Master Chief Halo 4 (Finished)

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Made some progress on the shin.
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Also cut out quite a bit if the inner thighs to fit my fat legs.
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sweet bro it fits like a beaut
quick question what strapping system are u using
system as in the way u r strapping it to your leg
So the last pieces that need to be finished are either in the bondo stage or spot putty stage.
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Spot putty is a putty heavy handed. Wife wanted to help so I let her do it. Little Extra sanding never hurts lol.
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Hey, so long as your happy with it then who cares! You can always do constant improvement once you get the whole thing done. I'm impressed that you've done two suits now. I've been on here for 10 years and have yet to finish anything haha.
Oh I'll be happy with it that's for sure. I know after Halloween and the local cons I can sand down and fix minor things for next year.
So Major Paint is done maybe some low lights in the creases for some shadowing but I'm happy with how everything Turned out. Still have to figure out how I'm going to attach the Chest to the shoulders, and the Back pieced to the shoulders. Sort of have an idea we shall see in the next week.
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So I figured out how I'm gonna strap the legs to me. Going to have to paint the straps because blue is all I could find.
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Also my wife's suit came in today.
I don't think I have been more pissed off in my entire life then I was last night.
Yes my wife's dog. I plan on remaking it but I'm guna try and salvage it. Clean it flat and make it look like it was a clean cut by an energy sword. Or that's the plan anyway.
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