Master Chief Halo 4 (Finished)

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man they look greyt (bu dum ching) jk
all jokes aside it still looks like its going great but where did u get that awesome under suit
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I just stumbled upon your post and i have to admit that i am really impressed with your progress so far (i wish i had time to work on my own armor)
I am defintiley going to keep an eye on this thread and wish you good luck !
I just stumbled upon your post and i have to admit that i am really impressed with your progress so far (i wish i had time to work on my own armor)
I am defintiley going to keep an eye on this thread and wish you good luck !

Thanks man currently on the bondo stage, never done that before so I'm trying to find my process.
That looks really good ! Do you know if i could achieve the same look for my armor by using PlastiDip ?

Are you doing foam or pepakura? I use plastidip for the inside of my pieces to seal up the sharp edges of the fiberglass.
Great job so far Bullseye looks stinking amazing and im sure u finishing it is right around the corner
although quick question im trying to finish this halo 3 Masterchief armor before Halloween but im 2/3 the way done with peping
my question is how did u pep your pieces so quickly
Most people I have seen use plastidip to seal there foam so they can paint it so spray paint and other solvents won't melt the foam.
Great job so far Bullseye looks stinking amazing and im sure u finishing it is right around the corner
although quick question im trying to finish this halo 3 Masterchief armor before Halloween but im 2/3 the way done with peping
my question is how did u pep your pieces so quickly

I was able to pep them so fast because I'm in the military and I transferred commands and had 30 days off from work and that's all I did for 16 hours for the whole 30 days lol. That's why it seems like I did it so fast haha.
Sweet bro that sure would be a nice distraction for 30 days while u wait cant wait for the finale bro sure it will be great
Yeah it was. I'm a workaholic and would have gone nuts after a week with nothing to do. Progress as slowed a bit due to work but getting it done.
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