Master Chief Halo 4 (Finished)

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Made some Progress on the Shoulders/ Thrusters.
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sweet bro no all that's left is the helmet (DUNDUNDUUUUUUN)
All though looking at these I'm sure it will look awesome
ya but I'm sure it'll look great
quick question though I just finished a halo 3 masterchief helmet and I was wondering how are u going to make the visor
So for my old Halo 3 Build I just got a colored motorcycle visor and bent it and set it in the helmet just the tension of the visor holds it in place so It can easily be removed. Not the greatest solution but it works. Would have looked better if I had trimmed off the tabs for the support piece but I was in a rush back then.
21330851_10214115212171487_825145817_o.jpg 21330843_10214115212131486_224838778_o.jpg (The helmet has not fared well over 3 moves and being shipped once)

This time around I am going to cut out the visor support after I resin the piece and actually cut out the exact shape of the visor and set it in place.
ya but even with hand cut u still are incredibly faster than me cause the only person I can really compare is myself
but anyway good luck, have fun, and be awesome while doing it
Been a few days works been 12 hour days but I was able to do some prep Fiberglass work on most of the suit.
Just tacked the fiberglass in place with some spray on glue and most parts will be ready to resin tomorrow.
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:)Wooooooooooh that helmet is superb man in the end this will be a sweet costume cant wait to see the finished product
sweet bro although I was just posting on Deviss thread and was talking about do u want to put Velcro or some other solution so u can put grenades or weapons on your belt or back
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