Master Chief [WIP] by Bullseye

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Update 10-20-10: I got my Visor In yesterday and just set It in for looks, I think for a first build its alright. As for tonight I have the boots, shins, Biceps, and COD piece sprayed. I will get some Pics once the paint dries.



I think nothing, because I am facebookless and can't see the pics :)

But looking at the thread title - Master Chief, Halloween, less than four weeks - I actually have doubts that this can be done in time.

It looks good so far.
I think nothing, because I am facebookless and can't see the pics :)

But looking at the thread title - Master Chief, Halloween, less than four weeks - I actually have doubts that this can be done in time.

Yeah after i posted that i thought about that. I will post the pics on the site later today. But everything but the chest and helmet is preped and ready to resin and i have a few people helping me so it will be close but do able in the time frame.
best of luck.... took meh almost a year(off and on due to peping gets boring... but im at painting now.)
Thanks man. I hope to cut down on the time it takes to resin by buying a paint gun and kinda making the resin mix just a little wetter than i normally do but do a couple coats of that and IF everything goes to plan it should be smooth enough so i don't have to do a whole lot of sanding.
I thought so to but then when it was around the boot i was going to put it on there was just a little room for padding to be added to fix the spacing.

yeah, I was thinking maybe that skin tight running shoe could have been throwing it off a bit.
yeah, I was thinking maybe that skin tight running shoe could have been throwing it off a bit.

Yeah after i took that pic i saw it looked a little funny. I have a pair of old work boots that are black that they are going to go on. Also they actually might be a little bit big because i scaled them just a hair bigger than what i have been scaling everything, else just because I'm 6'1'' and my feet are bigger than my height should be.
So I should have both the HD shin's done along with the COD piece by this weekend.
Nice looking shin, very clean pep work. So what is the overall status? How much you have left?

The overall status is just prep work so far. I have the forearms painted and it just needs to be padded a little bit and there done.

I have the left shin to prep, COD piece, Chest and Helmet as well.

By Monday i should have everything but the chest preped and ready to resin.

For applying the resin i have a paint gun that I'm going to load up with resin and spray away till it's as strong as i need it to be then apply some resin on the inside with fiberglass flakes mixed in.

I am hoping that the paint gun will keep the outside smooth so I don't have to do a whole lot of sanding.
For applying the resin i have a paint gun that I'm going to load up with resin and spray away till it's as strong as i need it to be then apply some resin on the inside with fiberglass flakes mixed in.

Umm, i dont think that will work unless thats what its made for. You have to put the hardener in the resin and that will clog your sprayer when it starts to dry. It will probably even ruin it. Not to mention resin is far thicker then paint, so i dont think this will work unless it made for this.
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