Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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We thank you for your support.

The colony and the humans are making it our mission to finish the first suit by Emerald City so you will be seeing us in Seattle.

The colony has also been communicating with the staff from Emerald City Comic Con and have arranged for a special music request for when we go up on stage.

We were thinking about using the soundtrack from Halo CE when the Master Chief first encounters a pair of Hunters.

What do the humans think?

We are open to suggestions but we want to steer away from the main Halo theme since that has been used time and time again by many cosplayers who take Halo to the stage.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.

I had to look up the name of the track to know which one it was...
"Enough Dead Heroes" or it's remake in H3 "No more dead heroes" will be a great choice of music.
Holy crap man I saw this a little while ago and forgot all about it. Its looking awesome man!

We thank you for your kind words. We hope our more recent progress has made us memorable for more members to return to and review our build.

I had to look up the name of the track to know which one it was...
"Enough Dead Heroes" or it's remake in H3 "No more dead heroes" will be a great choice of music.

The track we chose is called "End of Dying" which is the Halo Anniversary version of "Enough Dead Heroes" from the classic soundtrack. We got a lot of positive feedback from people on our Facebook page for this song selection so the colony has decided to go with this choice and present it to the staff of Emerald City Comic Con for approval.

Once again, the colony thanks all humans for their continued support. We will be working on the suit yet again tomorrow and hope to finish fine tuning of the arm rigging system for the chest piece by day's end. We will also be doing more painting and other finishing of armor pieces.
Good evening members of the 405th.

Today was a good day in mechanics for our suit. We were able to finalize the design for the arms and head rigs. We did some practicing with the movement on the arms and the head and we are very pleased with the results.

The arms are a PVC pipe skeleton that allows the wearer to move the arms forward/back and draw the arms inward to create a pose that looks like the Hunter is ready to fire its cannon.

The head is a skater helmet with a PVC pipe drilled into the front and glued into the top of the Hunter helmet.

We did a few tests with that as well.

Here is a video of a quick test of the head movement.

And here are a number of pictures of fitting and refitting a bunch of different armor pieces.






And here are some pictures of the human wearing as much of the suit as she could without looking super silly.





Our second human who will eventually be wearing the second suit we plan to make was holding up the shield. He didn't fully appreciate the scale of this project until the smaller human jumped into the stilts, put on the chest, and donned the helmet and looked down on him. It was quite strange listening to a very tall man squeal like a small human girl.

Here is a quick video of the whole suit so far.

The colony has also gotten in contact with a soundboard expert who will be putting together a soundboard for the Hunter vocal sounds and the charging sounds of the Assault Cannon. He will be getting the finished products to us before Emerald City so the humans are very excited.

The colony will be getting together again tomorrow and will be working on the carapace and painting.

Thank you for your interest in the colony and please stay tuned for more updates.


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I am absolutely blow away... I am so excited for you! I bet working together in a group keeps the colony happy, working alone is kinda monotonous.
This is looking amazing, you guys! Keep up the excellent work!

simply amazing!!!

Ahahhaahah, this is so f***** awsome. :DD Can't wait to see more, this cosplay is huge!

I am absolutely blow away... I am so excited for you! I bet working together in a group keeps the colony happy, working alone is kinda monotonous.

This is amazing, so glad to see a good quality, actual sized hunter build being made here.

The colony thanks everyone for their support.

It is much easier working on this project in a group and not individually.

Today was another productive day even though not as much was done.

An elbow pad for the Assault Cannon has been fabricated. You can see the time lapse video for it HERE.

A new shoulder plate has been formed so we do not have to sand down the one that has epsilon on it.

The shield has also been painted on the top side. The back side is being smoothed with craft foam and will need painting and then attaching to the shield arm once that piece is finished.





The colony has also added more geometry to the chest piece so it is a more rigid piece.

And HERE is a time lapse video of the suit being donned. We still have to build the remaining spikes for the carapace, spine plates, and the stomach armor. The colony is aware that some pieces were not positioned correctly when we were putting on the armor, but the humans just wanted to see what the suit looked like together out in the sunlight since it was such a nice day.

And here are our photos for the day.

















The colony thanks everyone for their continued and amazing support.

Please leave any feedback/ concerns you may have and please stay tuned for an update next weekend.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Fantastic!!! This is by far the coolest thing I have seen made! I am so impressed! Great work colony!!
It looks amazing congrats with whats done. how is the leg hinging it. Are you getting normal hinging where the knee and ankle is. i know your wearing stilts so im just curious how the displacement of your legs effect the aesthetic of the the movement.
Wow, you don't really realize the sheer scale of this build until start to put it on. All I can say is this: you may or may not scare away any and all competition at Emerald city. This build is coming together nicely, and that shield, wow. Great job, and nice support set up, it really seems to work well and imitate the hunter's stance. Very nice, can't wait to see it with all the worms.
Fantastic!!! This is by far the coolest thing I have seen made! I am so impressed! Great work colony!!

The colony thanks you for your compliments.

It looks amazing congrats with whats done. how is the leg hinging it. Are you getting normal hinging where the knee and ankle is. i know your wearing stilts so im just curious how the displacement of your legs effect the aesthetic of the the movement.

Because the top of the human's foot is at the Hunter's knee, the movement of the Hunter's leg will not be 100% accurate. The legs will move, but the legs won't bend at the knee or anywhere else. It will be more like a shuffle.

Wow, you don't really realize the sheer scale of this build until start to put it on. All I can say is this: you may or may not scare away any and all competition at Emerald city. This build is coming together nicely, and that shield, wow. Great job, and nice support set up, it really seems to work well and imitate the hunter's stance. Very nice, can't wait to see it with all the worms.

The scale is definitely intimidating. It's not as big as Pete Mander's Elite build, but that costume was to an exaggerated scale. The colony does not wish to scare all of the competition away or the contest would not be as fun.

The colony suspects that putting together the worms will be the most time extensive part of this build. We will have to weave all the worms in a fashion of which they will stay and not reveal the human underneath. We suspect the worm-weaving will take over a day to do in itself.
How are you planning on seeing?

We will have a small gap in the neck of the Hunter so the human can see directly out in front of them. There is also going to be a wifi connected action camera inside the Hunter's helmet that will project to a smart phone inside of the chest piece so the human can see what the Hunter sees.

As for situational awareness, there will be other humans that will make sure the Hunter does not step on anyone as the person wearing the suit will not be able to see where their body parts are situated.
I love the build! I also really like the action camera idea for the human on the inside
Wow this looks so amazing. The size just makes it come to life. Great work guys.

This is sooo cool.

I love the build! I also really like the action camera idea for the human on the inside

The colony thanks everyone for their support.

In case you have not seen already, the colony has a facebook page that everyone can follow. We usually update the facebook page before we update this thread so you will be up-to-date sooner.

Follow our Facebook Page.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.
I sense an expansion within this particular colony in the near, foreseen future. Great work so far!
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