Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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I just want to say that this is beyond epic! I can't wait to see them done! I really hope you release some video later on so we can see them in action with the sound effects and you movement! Keep up the awesome work!

The colony thanks you for your kind words.

The colony has many videos/ skits/ sketches planned for the future when the suit/s are complete. It will be lots of fun.
Where about in the world is your hive positioned? Or more specifically what 'Con will you more than likely be worshiped at?
Where about in the world is your hive positioned? Or more specifically what 'Con will you more than likely be worshiped at?

The colony is located in the area that humans from the United States would know as "The Great Northwest."

We plan on getting the first suit done in time for Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle which is planned out in March. We have also entered the Master's Division of the costume contest for that convention.
:eek Unfortunately, emotes don't do this post justice by what we're all seeing in this thread. You're certainly ambitious to take on a massive-scaled project as Hunters.
I eagerly look forward to your updates and completion!
:eek Unfortunately, emotes don't do this post justice by what we're all seeing in this thread. You're certainly ambitious to take on a massive-scaled project as Hunters.
I eagerly look forward to your updates and completion!

The colony thanks you for your support.

The colony will be getting together tomorrow to work on the suit more so please stay tuned for an update within the next day or so.
Good evening and Happy day of Love members of the 405th.

We have had yet another fruitful day in the making of armor and the colony is very pleased.

The helmet and shoulder pieces are finished and are ready for assembly. Unfortunately, we forgot to take picture before this update, so we will post pictures of those some time tomorrow.

The armor portion of the boots is complete minus one knee pad.






Angled view for effect. Plus, humans can clearly see the texture we were able to achieve by painting over a layer of shelf liner with a light coat of green.


The colony is also making some worms out of foam pipe insulation tubing to fill in the spaces between armor pieces. We are using the pipe insulation for the boots because we want our silicone worms to be seen where humans will be looking. Placing the fancy worms down where humans will likely not be looking would be a waste.




The back of the shield has been made and installed so the arm has something to attach to and the shield has two layers of primer/sealer paint.



The carapace has a layer of primer as well.


More knuckles have been added to the Assault Cannon arm and fingers have been fabricated for the Shield arm.
Here is a picture of the Assaut Cannon next to a cast of a Covenant Carbine (made by Doc Dailey) to show how insignificant Covenant Weaponry is compared to the colony.


That is what the colony has for this evening and we are very pleased with the results of our labor we have put forth today.

Please give us any feedback you may have. We also like to answer any of your questions.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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How is this thread still in new recruits? Every time there's an update, I am always struck in awe. Seeing the paint job on the boot makes me think about how amazing the final result will be.

In all honesty, I thought the covenant carbine was a picture of one instead of the real deal, haha. There really is no comparison :)
How is this thread still in new recruits? Every time there's an update, I am always struck in awe. Seeing the paint job on the boot makes me think about how amazing the final result will be.

In all honesty, I thought the covenant carbine was a picture of one instead of the real deal, haha. There really is no comparison :)

The colony thanks you for your compliments. Both of the humans are very excited to see this finished as well and are dead-set on getting the first suit finished by Emerald City Comic Con.

HOLY ********T!

This is going to look so damn good once done.
The paint job makes it look so epic. :)

The colony thanks you for your support.

As promised, here are some quick photos of the finished helmet and shoulder pieces.






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My goodness, this is art! You got that green in the Covenant purple in just the right areas. This thread just keeps blowing me away with every update. And that Assult Cannon, that this is a behemoth! Wow! Keep those updates a-coming, and keep up the great work!

My goodness, this is art! You got that green in the Covenant purple in just the right areas. This thread just keeps blowing me away with every update. And that Assult Cannon, that this is a behemoth! Wow! Keep those updates a-coming, and keep up the great work!

The colony thanks everyone for their support. We will continue to make updates weekly unless some unforeseen circumstance should occur. The humans are very much hell-bent on getting this suit done on time.
After looking over some of the picks again, I have to ask two things:
1. What colour of blue are you using? It's really nice.
2. What happened to... The peanut butter scale?!?
After looking over some of the picks again, I have to ask two things:
1. What colour of blue are you using? It's really nice.
2. What happened to... The peanut butter scale?!?

For the paint scheme, we are using more than one color.
1. Primed/ sealed with a white latex house paint (2 layers)
2. Base coat is 2x Deep Blue Gloss (2 or more layers depending on the coverage)
3. Piece is covered with a layer of shelf liner to apply the texture
4. Light coat of Hunter Green Gloss is applied to the shelf-liner covered piece
5. Indents and cracks are 'antiqued' with black acrylic paint
6. Aluminum silver dry brush to edges and for extra scratches to give weathered look

And the peanut butter scale is present in some of the pictures. We figured pieces that have already had the peanut butter used for scale didn't need it again. And the colony can't quite help themselves when they are hungry.

We will be sure to incorporate the peanut paste jar in pictures more often.
I cant wait till this is done. You will be asked to do a lot of photo shoots after you get this done. WOW, great job
I cant wait till this is done. You will be asked to do a lot of photo shoots after you get this done. WOW, great job

The colony thanks you.

We suspect a lot of people will be asking us for video or photo shoots. The colony hopes the suit gains a lot of attention when we make our debut in Seattle next month.
i have had a hunter project on the side burner for a bit . Glad to see others wanting to do large game accurate builds like this also.
The colony thanks everyone for their continued support.

The colony would also like to announce that we are planning to have an appearance of one of the Mgalekgolo at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, March 27-29.

We have already purchased our tickets and have hotel arrangements to accommodate one of the Mgalekgolo with the humans. The colony has already made the special request to replace the chocolates on our pillows with jars of peanut protein paste.

The colony will only have one suit ready for this convention as we want to have a good practice run with one suit and that will give us and the humans more time to finish the first suit to be the best it can be before we go to Seattle.

Zulikta will be the Mgalekgolo that will be present during this convention. Are any other 405th members going to this event?


FIRST I WANNA SAY THIS IS AMAZING!! I cant believe i havent seen this thread! also if you make it to ECC with that i CANT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!:)

i have had a hunter project on the side burner for a bit . Glad to see others wanting to do large game accurate builds like this also.

FIRST I WANNA SAY THIS IS AMAZING!! I cant believe i havent seen this thread! also if you make it to ECC with that i CANT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!:)


We thank you for your support.

The colony and the humans are making it our mission to finish the first suit by Emerald City so you will be seeing us in Seattle.

The colony has also been communicating with the staff from Emerald City Comic Con and have arranged for a special music request for when we go up on stage.

We were thinking about using the soundtrack from Halo CE when the Master Chief first encounters a pair of Hunters.

What do the humans think?

We are open to suggestions but we want to steer away from the main Halo theme since that has been used time and time again by many cosplayers who take Halo to the stage.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.
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Holy crap man I saw this a little while ago and forgot all about it. Its looking awesome man!
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