Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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We are very appreciative of the support that is being expressed towards the colony.

We hope to continue to impress the people while we work on this project.

As of late, the colony has been looking for a place to expand and have determined a place on the mountain you call Hood would suffice. It will be a very difficult journey, so progress pics in the meantime may be scarce and we apologize ahead of time. We hope to have the next update up by the end of this planet's year.

As always, we thank you for your interest in the colony and please provide us with any feedback you may have.
Quick Armor Update:

The colony was able to get together for a short time and put together about half of a chest piece.



We forgot to include the peanut butter jar in the picture so we added it with a photo-editing program.

Now that we have a good idea as to how big the chest is, we can start to figure out what we need to do for the skeleton/ support system. We also did some looking around for some vases that had the same basic shape as the canisters on the Assault Cannon arm. We found a few candidates and will likely vacuuform the vases to see which one we like best.

We also have acquired a Sony action camera that was on sale at Best Buy and we will be using it to view what is going on outside the suits and record the public's reactions. At this rate, we may only be able to get one suit finished before our debut convention, but we will keep our view optimistic in the mean time.

The colony hopes to get at least one more update posted by the end of this year, but it all depends as the humans have been very busy as of late.

We thank you for your interest in the colony and please give us any feedback you may have.


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Wow, that is truly beautiful. That is one hell of a chest piece. Glad you updated, I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for new progress. You tell the those human slaves to pick up the pace lol
I don't care if it actually gets finished proper, just seeing it all put together and worn would be fulfilling a dream! Keep up the good work, Pheelos colony!
Looks really good so far - its nice to see a Hunter pair being made. Now maybe some Grunts, Jackals and brutes could be made too? Lol. Subscribed, looking forward to seeing any more updates!
so so nice, looking great guys :thumbsup
*bonus points for PB scale

So we all know that EVA holds up great in the realm of normal human measurements, but are you guys running into wobble/warping at this scale? Have you needed to double up or add extra faces internally to hold the shape really well? 'Cuz it looks quite firm in the photos. I'm curious because I'll need to know if that is another cost to factor in if/when I take on a project of this size.
Thanks in advance, keep doin' you!
This is an amazing project to take on... I applauded you boldness! I love that you are using stilts and are trying to keep the character true to scale. I don't see the challenge in the legs as much as I do in the arms. You could fake the scale a bit to lower the arm cut-out opening, while still having the foam shoulder go to the proper height, and then build the suite around the front, back, and side of your real arm leaving only a thin layer on the underside layer of your arm. This would definitely help with mobility and usage fatigue from bracing your arms at 90 degrees. (Walking like that may also throw off you balance. (If there is anyway you can get your wrist below the Mgalekgolo's elbow, you could then get the additional mobility of the suit for poses and such.

Can't wait to see more concept sketches and progress photos. Keep up the awesome progress!
That is so awesome, i can't believe how big that thing is gunna be, and so awesome!!!

The humans can't either.

Wow, that is truly beautiful. That is one hell of a chest piece. Glad you updated, I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for new progress. You tell the those human slaves to pick up the pace lol

We are glad you are satisfied with our progress so far. The colony will inform the human hosts that we do not have much time left, but their jobs are providing us with the materials we need to produce this build. They will do what they can. :)

I don't care if it actually gets finished proper, just seeing it all put together and worn would be fulfilling a dream! Keep up the good work, Pheelos colony!

Thank you for your compliments. The humans are very excited.

Looks really good so far - its nice to see a Hunter pair being made. Now maybe some Grunts, Jackals and brutes could be made too? Lol. Subscribed, looking forward to seeing any more updates!

While we are a colony of worms, it would be difficult (if not interesting) if Mgalekgolo attempted to dress as Kigyar, Jiralhanae, and Unggoy. We assume that it would be very messy. Too many worms would be exposed to keep together efficiently.

Huh, indeed.
so so nice, looking great guys :thumbsup
*bonus points for PB scale

So we all know that EVA holds up great in the realm of normal human measurements, but are you guys running into wobble/warping at this scale? Have you needed to double up or add extra faces internally to hold the shape really well? 'Cuz it looks quite firm in the photos. I'm curious because I'll need to know if that is another cost to factor in if/when I take on a project of this size.
Thanks in advance, keep doin' you!

So far the 1/2 inch foam has been holding up well. We don't plan on weighing down the armor much so it should not have any problems with wobbling or caving. But we will not know for sure once we get it together and run a demo in it. We do make sure to reinforce the seams with a large line of hot glue on the inside of the suit. We also had the plan to coat the armor with a resin to give it more rigidity as well. As to which specific kind we will use, we do not know yet, but we will inform you as soon as we know.

This is an amazing project to take on... I applauded you boldness! I love that you are using stilts and are trying to keep the character true to scale. I don't see the challenge in the legs as much as I do in the arms. You could fake the scale a bit to lower the arm cut-out opening, while still having the foam shoulder go to the proper height, and then build the suite around the front, back, and side of your real arm leaving only a thin layer on the underside layer of your arm. This would definitely help with mobility and usage fatigue from bracing your arms at 90 degrees. (Walking like that may also throw off you balance. (If there is anyway you can get your wrist below the Mgalekgolo's elbow, you could then get the additional mobility of the suit for poses and such.

Can't wait to see more concept sketches and progress photos. Keep up the awesome progress!

The colony thanks you for your compliments and your suggestions.We wanted to build the chest piece tonight to get the general idea of where the humans will sit in the armor. The smaller human will definitely have a much more difficult time handling the arms as their arms barely make it outside of the chest piece. We were thinking about a completely internal puppet system inside the chest piece so they did not have to try and reach outside of the chest in order for them to move. But we do not know how to do that exactly. We are always open to more suggestions and if you have any drawn examples that we could look at, we would definitely appreciate that as well! This is quite the endeavor and all the thought put into this can be a little overwhelming for the humans.

As always, the Colony thanks everyone for their continuous support and ideas. Please give us more feedback or suggestions if you have them!
Quick update:

The colony has been brainstorming the mechanics for inside the suit for the smaller human so they can move the arms.

Here is a sketch (we apologize for the grainy photo) of the first concept we came up with for the skeleton. We are still working out how we will get full rotation and mobility. If anyone has any ideas or sketches to share to give us more ideas, we would be very grateful.


We are also looking into the sound system that we wish to install inside the suits. We are looking into soundboard apps that would allow us to select common Mgalekgolo speech and play them out loud though multimedia speakers. We are also researching voice changer apps that will allow the humans inside to sound like Mgalekgolo when they speak into a microphone so they may communicate with the public.

The colony thanks everyone for their continued support and we will try to keep everyone updated as frequently as possible.

Please provide any feedback you may have.

The colony also wishes all of Humanity the best of Halodays and a happy New Earth Year.


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Happy New Earth Year, 405th Members!

The colony has a small update.

We have started to carve worms out of oil based clay and will be making more to mold so we can cast silicone copies for between armor pieces.


We will be carving more worms of different variations so they will fit and look like they belong with the armor.

We also have used our newly made shoulder plate and a knee pad as test subjects for the sample pack of epilson that we had shipped to us.

This should make the exterior of the foam hard to the touch and will make it difficult to damage from the outside. We are hoping with this test, we will be able to see if it gives us the results we desire without adding a lot of weight to the foam. Then we will purchase a larger kit so we can apply it to all armor pieces.


The colony has also started the construction of the lower arm to the shield arm. The base form has been built and now the detail work and the fingers need to be added. Then we will finish the form of the shield and attach to the arm.
Unfortunately, we do not have any pictures of it at this time, but we will in the near future.

We are in the process of building the base of the stilts so the human can practice walking in them so they learn not to trip over themselves with our large Mgalekgolo feet.

The colony is also beginning the construction of the arm skeleton so the smaller human can control the arms without worrying about poking their arms outside of the chest piece as their arms are too short.

The humans have also gone to a Thrift store and purchased multimedia speakers that we will attach to a power source and a voice box that will project the language of the Mgalekgolo for all to hear. A human is compiling audio for the voice box as we speak.

The colony hopes to have more visual updates for the public and we will continue to keep you posted as often as we can.

Please share any feedback or concerns you may have, this colony loves to hear from all of you.


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Wow, once again the colony has blown me away. I REALLY want to see those silicone worms when they are done. And the use of speakers to allow all of us inferior beings to hear the mighty Mgalekgolo. Well done, and a thousand thanks for sharing such beauty with us.
Will the clay be flexible?

I'm sure mobility would be a challenge with this build! What are you going for in terms of walking around etc.?
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