Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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coming along pretty well. Keep up the good work!

We thank you for your support and compliments.

What's with the red and white on what looks like (to my human eyes) the shoulder pad?

The white and red on the knee pad is craft foam that we are using to highlight raised detail on the armor pieces. We plan on using craft foam to show a lot of detail on most of the armor.

Wow, once again the colony has blown me away. I REALLY want to see those silicone worms when they are done. And the use of speakers to allow all of us inferior beings to hear the mighty Mgalekgolo. Well done, and a thousand thanks for sharing such beauty with us.

The colony thanks you for your kind words.

Will the clay be flexible?

I'm sure mobility would be a challenge with this build! What are you going for in terms of walking around etc.?

Mobility is the greatest concern we have with this project, but we will be using silicone for the worms and we will show you how later in this post.

Armor Update:

The colony was able to get a lot of progress done today even though the armor itself was not generally worked on.

We started off the day by sculpting more worms out of oil-based clay. These worms are longer and are not bunched together so when we cast them, we can criss-cross them in sections so they look less uniform and more like they do in the game.


After those were sculpted, the humans went out shopping and obtained Plaster of Paris, PVC piping, and other materials for the costume.

Upon their return, they used the Plaster of Paris to begin molding the single worms. They used one layer of the plaster to capture the detail, then a second layer was added after the first layer had cured and added a sheet of burlap for reinforcement, then added a third layer on top of the burlap. The mold was cured by the end of the night, but the humans wanted to give the mold more drying time overnight and then remove the clay sometime tomorrow.


The colony was also able to put together the base of the stilts earlier in the morning so the smaller human can try them out. A cut out of the bottom of the boots was made out of plywood and then screwed to the bottom of the drywall stilts. The larger base offers more stability, but the human will have to be careful not to step on their own toes. The human will be standing 8' tall in the stilts without armor. With armor on, the human will stand to be a 10' tall Mgalekgolo.

The human will have to practice walking in these stilts often in order to walk around convention floors confidently, but the human must get better straps to hold their legs in the stilts as the wide stance is causing the human's legs to bow outward and the straps are not holding the calves in effectively.

Here are some pictures of the first test fitting of the smaller human in the stilts with a pack-frame holding the chest piece up and holding the shield to the side.


Because the human's arms are too short to do anything effectively outside of the chest piece to control the arms, the humans are engineering a PVC skeleton that will allow the human to control the arms from inside the chest piece without needing to stick their arms outside. This may cause a balance issue, but the human will have many handlers watching her so she does not fall over and she will not be walking around a lot to minimize the likelihood of a tumble.

In the case of armor, the colony was able to trace out all of the pieces needed for the Assault Cannon. The foam sheet count totaled to 8 sheets, which counts for two full packages of foam from Harbor Freight. Only a finger of the cannon has been built, but the colony plans on working on the assault cannon nightly.


Details have been drawn on the boot pieces of the armor in preparation for the craft foam detailing.


Next time the colony gets together, we plan on applying more Epsilon to armor pieces. We purchased a gallon-sized kit so it will cover the majority of the first suit.

LEDs and computer fans have also been purchased and will be delivered to the colony's location so those can be installed in the suits as well.

And the larger human decided to have some fun with the toe of the boot and wear it as a hat.


For humans interested in what sounds we will be using to project through speakers, here is a link to a youtube video the colony has found that the humans have compiled audio clips from.

The multimedia speakers the humans found at the thrift store did not project the sound loud enough, so they will be looking for more options.

This is all the information this colony has to report for now, and we hope it was a satisfying one for all who read our thread.

Please give us any feedback or suggestions you may have.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Every time I see updates to this I am simply amazed by the sheer size of it all.

We agree. It was quite comical when the humans were changing the height to the stilts as the smaller human was clutching to the upper level loft for dear life. She found it very odd to be looking down on the taller human when she often has to look up at him.
We agree. It was quite comical when the humans were changing the height to the stilts as the smaller human was clutching to the upper level loft for dear life. She found it very odd to be looking down on the taller human when she often has to look up at him.
^ I laughed so hard after reading this :lol
Honestly, I forgot how big this was going to be. The sheer size in unbelievable. I am interested in how you will set up the PVC skeleton for the arms, that seems like a lot of planning, with a bit of trial and error along the way. And the boot helmet lmao that is great.
^ I laughed so hard after reading this :lol
Honestly, I forgot how big this was going to be. The sheer size in unbelievable. I am interested in how you will set up the PVC skeleton for the arms, that seems like a lot of planning, with a bit of trial and error along the way. And the boot helmet lmao that is great.

The PVC skeleton has been under discussion for a while and the colony finally bought the materials needed to construct it on the day of the latest update.

For now, we plan on making the shield arm fixed in a bent position and the Assault Cannon arm will be articulated in movement.

We plan on creating a way for the human inside the suit to rotate the shield arm forward so they can pose in a protective position.

In the future, we plan on making both arms articulated in full movement but we will upgrade the skeleton as we become less time constrained and the human becomes more confident in moving around in the suit.

As a side note:

We pulled the oil-based clay out of the mold and the mold looks beautiful.


We will be molding the other set of worms soon and will start making silicone pulls in the near future.


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now the only question I've got is how are you going to fit through a door while wearing this its not like you can just bust part of the wall down.
Very nice mold, it came out perfectly. This build just keeps getting better and better. :)

We are impressed with the mold as well. Thank you.

My god, thats gonna be a beast when you get done with it. Great job so far!

We are all very excited to get both suits finished in the future.

is this going to be life size

Yes. The colony is making these suits to scale. We have scaled them to be 12' tall Mgalekgolo, but we are making the legs in a permanent crouch position so they are closer to 9' to 10' tall.

That is soooooooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We thank you for your support.
Good day, members of the 405th.

Over the course of the past three days, the colony was able to put together 90% of the main form of the Assault Cannon by working on the piece nightly.


All that is left for this piece is to add the other two fingers and the canisters before detail work.

We hope to have a larger update later this weekend.

Please give us any feedback you may have and thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Looks fantastic so far. Can't wait to see it completed, and maybe one day this Spartan can shake your hand (claw?) in thanks for your efforts and perseverance.
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