Looks fantastic so far. Can't wait to see it completed, and maybe one day this Spartan can shake your hand (claw?) in thanks for your efforts and perseverance.
We thank you for your kind words.
The colony has another Armor Update to present:
Starting today, the colony has begun casting the worms out of silicone from our molds we made from Plaster of Paris and they are coming out beautifully,
We will be producing as many worms as we can for the next few days until we run out of silicone.
The colony has also tested out painting the silicone worms with acrylic paint.
The colony is testing with acrylic first in hopes that the paint will not chip off right away.
The paint is drying matte, but the colony plans to find a top coat that is glossy to give the worms the proper sheen.
The colony has also vacu-formed the canisters for the Assault Cannon.
After some testing with paint and lights, the colony has discovered the proper applications needed to make the canisters look correct.
First, we tried just spraying the inside of the canister with silver paint so it is not completely clear when seen from the outside.
After sticking the LEDs inside, we were not satisfied with how the lights diffused.
The colony did some brainstorming and tried lining the inside of the canister with parchment paper. This diffused the light very well and we are content with the results.
In a lit room:
In the dark:
We understand that the lights in the game have a little more yellow in the lights and we may try to get some yellow LEDs, but we are happy with this as well.
Along with these large strides, the colony has also started the detail work on a lot of the armor pieces.
The shoulders have all of their details and are ready for epsilon.
And the detail work on the boot pieces are almost complete.
For the sake of flexibility, the colony has decided to not apply epsilon to the boot pieces. The colony will just seal the foam with latex house paint and then begin painting.
Shelf liner has been added to the base of the stilts to negate slipping when walking on non-carpeted surfaces.
As the week progresses, the colony plans to cast more worms and add detail work to armor pieces during the night when the humans are not working.
Please give us any feedback you may have and thank you for your interest in the colony.
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