My first armor: master chief mark VII

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...and more...(even if this didn't turn out as expected...)

2429-helmet (5).jpg
detailing the helmet (21).JPG
detailing the helmet (22).JPG
detailing the helmet (23).JPG
Man, your bondo work is impressive. I know a lot of it is just patience, but do you have anything you can attribute it to? Like a tutorial (I've seen the Cereal Kill3r ones), or specific tools, or even just practice? I've been struggling with using bondo well. I think I need to re-amp my research and was hoping you could point me in a good direction with that skilled hand of yours. :)
Wow....thanks...I've learned to use bondo from Cereal Kill3r's tutorial as well and honestly I don't think I have a lot to add. However, I've developed my own tecnique and I'll be happy to share it with the 405ers. I'll post pictures step by step of the filling/smoothing of the new shoulders/biceps, promised...
Well you're definitely doing something right. I'd love to hear your take on the process. I rewatched his episodes 4 and 5 and definitely didn't soak it all in the first time. I feel a little more prepared. Looking forward to more progress on your build!
first, let's smooth a bit the inside...

buckles glued on the back part

and straps glued (and covered with some bondo) to the front part

Front and back ready to be assembled

Two little straps glued on the "front little pieces" (I don't know hot to call them)...

...and then attached on the front part

a long strap glued around the back part

two little straps glued to the "back little pieces" (again, no Idea how to call them)...

...and then the two back pieces are tied together

....almost there....

few pieces of rubber on the bottom glued to get more grip and soften the steps

.....and here we go!
...and this is the walking test:

I love the WIP pics!! Shows how complex something as seemingly simple as a pair of boots can be. Great strap work!

Also, you got a surprised laugh out of me on the under the table shot. :p lol
First coat of resin applied to shoulders and biceps:

Shoulders_Biceps_first_coat_of_resin_January2016 (2).JPG

...and some test for the back of the undersuit:

Undersuit_back_January2016 (2).JPG
Shoulders and biceps with two coats of resin (one inside and one outside) and with the inside fiberglassed

Shoulders and biceps hard like iron!!! and ready to be assembled (or for bondo....I've not decided yet)

Biceps_Shoulders_Hardened_February2016 (2).JPG
Shoulder plates filled and smoothed...ready for some details!

For PerniciousDuke, I've shot a picture for each step of my bondoing procedure:

This is the surface I was going to smooth:


First, a thick coat of bondo, with no pressure over the spreader:

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A second coat of bondo before sanding, thick with no pressure over the spreader:

2 (3).JPG

Heavy sanding with 80 and 100 grit

3 (3).JPG

Thin layer of bondo, with some pressure over the spreader:

4 (1).JPG

Medium sanding, with 100 and 180 grits

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Holes and scratch filling: a very thin layer of bondo where is needed, repeated until needed:


...and after some light sanding (180 and 240 grit), this is the result:

ShoulderPlate_Filled_Smoothed_April2016 (3).JPG
ShoulderPlate_Filled_Smoothed_April2016 (1).JPG

After the details, I will sand it for the last time with a 300 grit, to make it smooth as my little son's skin...
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They're soo beautiful!! Thank you morkar! I will try to follow your steps on my next one. It looks like if I do, I will save myself some headache and get a better result too. :D
Biceps filled and smoothed:

Biceps_filled_smoothed_April2016 (3).JPG
Biceps_filled_smoothed_April2016 (5).JPG
Biceps_filled_smoothed_April2016 (9).JPG
Biceps_filled_smoothed_April2016 (11).JPG

- - - Updated - - -

Ready to be attached on the shoulder plates (I still don't know how.... :) )
That's some really great bondo work. I don't have the patience required to get bondo that smooth and really admire people who do.

"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie
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