Awesome work on smoothing things out! I have a question though. Is there a specific reason for placing the shoulder braces on the wrong side of the biceps?
Thanks guys... SavedbyGraceG12: Actually the two sides of the biceps are the same....after a few tests, I've decided to use two different .pdo files: One for the biceps (in which the two sides are the same), and one for the shoulder braces...
I'm starting to look ahead to the bondo phase of my build, and so many of you make it look so easy. I fear I won't have the patience to perfect the armor as you have. Looks really awesome!
Jalean4, is not easy at must be patient, careful, follow all the tips and suggestion at the begins and then develop your own technique, It is not fast, it takes time...but if you worked good then the final result is great
Think of it as a marathon not a sprint. You need to take your time and learn patience. If you rush things you will make mistakes and just have to do it over. That in of itself is not a bad thing because there is learning in making mistakes.......but too many mistakes is not the way to complete your build. Listen to morkar78, read, read then watch some videos tutorials, then read some more. The more you prepare yourself the quicker your build will be and the better your build will be.
Assembled shoulder plates and biceps!!!!! The two pieces are assembled using two metal joints. The upper joint is glued and covered with bondo. The lower joint is fixed to the shoulder plates with 2 bolts, so that I can assemble them when I want to wear them and take the two pieces apart for storing:
How the two joints fix the shoulder plates and biceps: