New Foam Build

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Two days and one glue stick later



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Those look like some pretty good peps... But I must ask, are you redoing your helmet, or making another suit? Either way, lookin excelent, so far this build has been amazing. Keep it up!
WOW!!!! awesome work man, it really turned out really awesome!!!!! both of the new helmets also looks awesome =D
yup yup, cant have an armor collection without a MK VI. Im just adding helmets to the collection. and still not done with the suit, but will re-make it eventually to perfect some parts
I hate to ask this question so late in the thread, but: What file did you use as a base for the ODST vest? it's truly a wonderful build, just so you know!
Really nice pep work on those helmets. But seriously when I saw your foam suit I was blown away. It looks really really good. You should be proud to have made that. :D
looks good, hows the mk V helmet working out? heard the neck hole needs to be trimmed quite a bit.
Haha, thanks guys, the neck hole is a little small and I have cut it to its extremities, but we just can't really do anything about it, theyre just game designed elements. And I'm sorry everyone for the extreme lack of updates, I have just been swamped with work lately. I'll be on break in 2 weeks in which I will get back on top of things.
well guys, im back to my work desk finally, and i present you with this that i conjured up last night





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Wow nicely done. I have a few queastions for you . when you did the armor, did you follow a pep file. If so did you make the pep and then layer te foam over it? Or did you eyeball it? Also ow did you get tose clean cuts on the armor?
Wow nicely done. I have a few queastions for you . when you did the armor, did you follow a pep file. If so did you make the pep and then layer te foam over it? Or did you eyeball it? Also ow did you get tose clean cuts on the armor?

thank you, and yes i did follow a pep file, i edited the file just for certain faces and then used those for templates. the whole foam concept is really about understanding layers and the surfaces of pepfiles that you're going to use.
That suit is looking great! I'm really amazed at what you can do with foam I'm about to go get some at the local harbor freight and re-build a couple of my pieces as well. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Short update
so once in my busy life, it isnt

so i started fiberglassing my MK VI helmet...and im really bad at that

and i did some rounding and stuff to get a more accurate shape in the boot. more details to put in


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Nice foam work. With every new piece I can see your skills growing. Keep loading up those details like you do. They really sell this whole suit. Can't wait to see the final.
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