Well-Known Member
Your talking about filling the space to create a snug but comforting fit am I correct?
Well I don't want to gloat but I would like it if you checked out my foam Helm I'm workin, constructive crit would be a great help right now. As I'm ruinning into a wiring problem.
If you'd like to know. I'm kinda wingin it on the set-up for batteries. I was going to add the Up-link Module but I can't find any decent Ref pics of it. I got the Wiring in place now on what I'm trying to achieve. My next objective will be a fan. I'll run that on a circuit that connects the whole suit together, along with LEDs to show the suit is active.
That ammo holder looks real good, it just as good as your other ammo chest part.
That's lookin premium, love the ammo on the chest! Are you making a shotgun too? I've started a sliced H3 shotgun, so far just working out the patterns.
I like the thigh details, did you use thin crafting foam?
if you could fold the shell ends in, it would look 100% real. Lookin great!
thank you, and what other ammo chest part?
Sorry! wrong maker. But, you build is still looking great. I've got some 12g shells setting in front of me as I speak playing with foam.