Welcome back, tomboy. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery! Spartans never die, they just go MIA and return after recovery in the hospital
And your build is truly kickass, will be subscribing to the thread! You're Navy, Spartans are Navy. You're a Spartan
And now I've got all the scars, too! (Seriously, I look like a gutted fish)
Spartans never die, They just regroup in hell.
You, tomboy, missed out on the regroup, deciding to kick ***** again!
There was just too much I had left to do in the world of the living. Covenant, beware... :devil
Thank you, everyone, for the support, the kind (and amazing) words, and for putting up with a very long wait for any more progress (though that may change soon). I can at least give you an update on my recovery.
I am now in outpatient therapy, and I've moved on from standing exercises to work with weight machines. If I can convince my dad to move a few things, I might even be able to dust off and use the one at home. I've also tried to get back into tai chi, but lack of a core and balance makes it difficult. Work continues on my legs, thighs, core, and upper body, but I can see the payoff:
I can walk
without crutches!!!
There's good and bad days, but for the most part I'm walking without any help, though maybe a limp. I'm also working with my doctor to wean myself off the pain medication. I will say that withdrawal
sucks, but I'm already down to about half of what I was originally taking. Things are mostly healed up, and now it's just a matter of medication and endurance keeping me from going home. In the meantime, my family and I have been discussing getting me a bicycle since I still can't drive. My only concern is this giant hill/bridge that's between home and everything I'd want to get to. That thing was difficult even when I was healthy.
Still, I'm more excited about the personal freedom and mobility. If it all works out, I may be able to get supplies to work on a weapon or two, and my step-mom has a serger. I'm going to try to convince her to help and let me use it to sew the lycra undersuit. Hopefully, I'll have something to show after all my time stuck here. Wish me luck!