Roll Call!



COSTUMING SINCE: The most elaborate costume I have done before was a Jedi costume that I've worn a number of times. It has been ever evolving for about 5 years now. Before that I just admired others costumes.

ABOUT ME: I am a Windows administrator for a multi-tenant hosting company. I am married and currently have a 8.5 month old daughter. I recently got a 3D printer (Prusa i3mk3S) and have really gotten into it. I have been a Halo fan since the original game and have read my fair share of the books.

FAV CONS: The only con I have been to is Blizzcon (twice). I am trying to get a ticket to go to Comic Con in 2020 and would love to finish my Halo suit by then and wear it!

COSTUMES/PROPS: Working on 3D printing a suit right now!
Welcome to the Forum. Madison isn't terribly far away from where I'm at. Woodbury, MN. Good luck with your build.


COSTUMING SINCE: The most elaborate costume I have done before was a Jedi costume that I've worn a number of times. It has been ever evolving for about 5 years now. Before that I just admired others costumes.

ABOUT ME: I am a Windows administrator for a multi-tenant hosting company. I am married and currently have a 8.5 month old daughter. I recently got a 3D printer (Prusa i3mk3S) and have really gotten into it. I have been a Halo fan since the original game and have read my fair share of the books.

FAV CONS: The only con I have been to is Blizzcon (twice). I am trying to get a ticket to go to Comic Con in 2020 and would love to finish my Halo suit by then and wear it!

COSTUMES/PROPS: Working on 3D printing a suit right now!
Welcome to the 405th fellow Wisconsinite! I'm in Milwaukee. Excited to see what you make!


COSTUMES/PROPS: Working on 3D printing a suit right now!

Hey we're pretty close! (wisconsin dells)
What suit might you be working on? (i'm guessing cheif based on the pfp)
We can probably go to some similar cons and get a troop going with RandomRanger some time!
Can't wait to see a build thread, maybe make one in the halo costumes and props section :)
Hey we're pretty close! (wisconsin dells)
What suit might you be working on? (i'm guessing cheif based on the pfp)
We can probably go to some similar cons and get a troop going with RandomRanger some time!
Can't wait to see a build thread, maybe make one in the halo costumes and props section :)
Hey, I’m not *that* far away. I’d love to come out there and troop. Perhaps we enjoy a day at a WisDells Resort in Armor! Lol
Keeping in line with the other regiments, we will use this thread to introduce ourselves. I'll admit, I took the format from the Aussies, lol. Feel free to add more or less if you like!

Name: Put what your preferred name is here, whether it's a real name or a moniker.
Location: Give a general geographic region to help find others near you!
Costuming since: When did you start costuming/building?
About me: Tell us a little about yourself. Twitter profile or autobiography.
Favorite Cons: What cons are we likely to see you at?
Costumes/Props: Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.


Name: Matthew aka Colonel Fork
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan(if you look at the back of your left hand, I'm in the lower left corner near your wrist)
Costuming since: I kinda got started around this time in 2011
About me: I work, and I come home, and occasionally get the chance to hang out with friends. In fact, just had a nice casual meet up with HaloGoddess and thorn696 this past Sunday. I really enjoy aviation and the history of it. My favorite period of aviation was the war planes of WWII. If I were to pick a favorite aircraft from the era, it'd either be the F4F Wildcat or the ME109.
Favorite Cons: So far I've attended 4 different conventions, most of them in the Detroit area, but I've been to Anime Central in Chicago, YoumaCon and Midwest Media Expo in downtown Detroit and Motor City Comic Con in Novi, MI. I mostly prefer staying in MI, as it's much easier for me to get around.
Costumes/Props: So far my Reach armor consists of both parts made by me with friends and a few commissioned parts. I'm currently trying my hand at building a Reach DMR out of foam and PVC pipe.

View attachment 2397
Name: Geirolf-309.

Location: Kansas.

Costuming/Building: I haven't built anything yet. But I began trying to get into Cosplay three years ago.

About me: I'm intelligent and loyal. I like Archery, Nature. I enjoy building things and Smithing. I love to read and want to travel someday. I plan to buy my own boat and visit Antarctica. And I've played every Halo game except 5.

Favorite Cons: I've never been to a Con before.

Costumes/Props: I haven't constructed anything yet. I'm new to this. But I'm planning on doing a custom Spartan-3 armor/character. It'll have influences from the Outer Colony planet of Sedra.
Name: Geirolf-309.

Location: Kansas.

Costuming/Building: I haven't built anything yet. But I began trying to get into Cosplay three years ago.

About me: I'm intelligent and loyal. I like Archery, Nature. I enjoy building things and Smithing. I love to read and want to travel someday. I plan to buy my own boat and visit Antarctica. And I've played every Halo game except 5.

Favorite Cons: I've never been to a Con before.

Costumes/Props: I haven't constructed anything yet. I'm new to this. But I'm planning on doing a custom Spartan-3 armor/character. It'll have influences from the Outer Colony planet of Sedra.

Welcome to the Forums Spartan
Do elaborate... What kind of Halo Project?
I've got a concept for a Halo series. I'm deciding wether I want it to be live action or Machinimas style. I might be able to do abit of both. Live action would probably be easier since this is a primarily Cosplay community. [ I've been working on the main characters backstory recently].
I've got a concept for a Halo series. I'm deciding wether I want it to be live action or Machinimas style. I might be able to do abit of both. Live action would probably be easier since this is a primarily Cosplay community. [ I've been working on the main characters backstory recently].
Live action to a certain degree is easier. However, most people's armor is not built for action shots (rolling, falling etc). Machinima is tough-ish for the animation (whether using the games or motion capture). Take your pick. I'd be down to get in on it though once details are worked out. Welcome again to the forum.
Live action to a certain degree is easier. However, most people's armor is not built for action shots (rolling, falling etc). Machinima is tough-ish for the animation (whether using the games or motion capture). Take your pick. I'd be down to get in on it though once details are worked out. Welcome again to the forum.
Thanks man. You want to see the concept so far?
My name is JT, live in Alma Michigan. My first completed costume was a Jedi,a couple of years ago. I have been working on an ODST build for awhile and I am getting closer to finishing it. I have to rework some of the armor spots and helmet and repaint,but hey it's all good. Can't wait to get it done and hopefully become full member.y favorite Halo is a tie between Reach and ODST. Unsure how to post pics from my phone,do t he on a computer much but I will figure it out.
My name is JT, live in Alma Michigan. My first completed costume was a Jedi,a couple of years ago. I have been working on an ODST build for awhile and I am getting closer to finishing it. I have to rework some of the armor spots and helmet and repaint,but hey it's all good. Can't wait to get it done and hopefully become full member.y favorite Halo is a tie between Reach and ODST. Unsure how to post pics from my phone,do t he on a computer much but I will figure it out.
Welcome to the 405th JT!
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