Roll Call!

Hey, used to live up there from 2014-2018 for college. I had my armor too, wish I had known. But welcome to the page. :)
Thanks! I want doing the halo thing till this year. I run an Umbrella Corp group here that does resident evil cosplay for fund raisers for charities.
Hello all new members. Also, yes very happy and excited to see more people posting. Cannot wait for outpost, gaming nights (which we already had a Minecraft night), and just trooping. Got about a month and a half left for Chicago, need to make those adjustments to my suit.
What’s going on in chi town?
Wish I could make it but chi town is a little far as my armor won’t be finished by then. I’m rushing to finished by Dragon Con. And my truck money is wrapped up in that endeavor.
Don't need a suit to attend. And to cut down on your trip cost, we could Carpool. It would be great to have you attend, but if not good too. :)
Don't need a suit to attend. And to cut down on your trip cost, we could Carpool. It would be great to have you attend, but if not good too. :)
Would love to carpool it but I live in the Warm Sunny Grand forks ND. Unless your local ish to the area prob not going to work.... plus I already request leave for dragon con. Military
Name: Madeline, or Asianinspace on the boards
Location: MN, around the Twin Cities
Costuming since: I got into costuming about 3 or 4 years ago.
About me: I work in electrical R&D for a 3D printing company. Costuming is the main hobby taking up all my time now. I do mostly star wars costuming but occasionally branch out to other things, superheroes, halo, etc. I volunteer with a local charity costume groups most weekends. I also met my soon to be wife through star wars costuming. I also build droids, I got into that about the time I started costuming. I have 2 BB-8s, a mouse droid, a disguised BB-8 (from TLJ), and a BB-9e that I built with my girlfriend. I have an R-series in the works as well and absolutely no room in my house for all of these projects.
Favorite Cons: Any con in MN, I just debuted my armor at CONvergence. I travel for 1 or 2 cons a year, I've been to ECCC, DragonCon, a few wizard worlds, planet comiccon and Star Wars Celebration. I've been meaning to get to C2E2 as well. I'm not sure which travel ones I'll be hitting this coming year.
Costumes/Props: For halo I just finished my hayabusa armor and I'm working on a needler, probably a needle rifle as well. Other costumes I have include Rey, Leia, Rose Tico, Paige Tico, Bultar Swan, Doctor Aphra, and Jessika Pava for Star wars. Some of my others are Silk (marvel), a few Laura Kinney wolverine/x-23 variants, Minerva (Captain Marvel), Lexa (The 100) and Chell (portal). I have a few others but those are the highlights haha.

Name: Madeline, or Asianinspace on the boards
Location: MN, around the Twin Cities
Costuming since: I got into costuming about 3 or 4 years ago.
About me: I work in electrical R&D for a 3D printing company. Costuming is the main hobby taking up all my time now. I do mostly star wars costuming but occasionally branch out to other things, superheroes, halo, etc. I volunteer with a local charity costume groups most weekends. I also met my soon to be wife through star wars costuming. I also build droids, I got into that about the time I started costuming. I have 2 BB-8s, a mouse droid, a disguised BB-8 (from TLJ), and a BB-9e that I built with my girlfriend. I have an R-series in the works as well and absolutely no room in my house for all of these projects.
Favorite Cons: Any con in MN, I just debuted my armor at CONvergence. I travel for 1 or 2 cons a year, I've been to ECCC, DragonCon, a few wizard worlds, planet comiccon and Star Wars Celebration. I've been meaning to get to C2E2 as well. I'm not sure which travel ones I'll be hitting this coming year.
Costumes/Props: For halo I just finished my hayabusa armor and I'm working on a needler, probably a needle rifle as well. Other costumes I have include Rey, Leia, Rose Tico, Paige Tico, Bultar Swan, Doctor Aphra, and Jessika Pava for Star wars. Some of my others are Silk (marvel), a few Laura Kinney wolverine/x-23 variants, Minerva (Captain Marvel), Lexa (The 100) and Chell (portal). I have a few others but those are the highlights haha.

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YOOOO! Finally another Minnesotan. We are a hidden group aren't we? Sometimes you find a straggler, but not too often. I hope to go to more cons. I just need to find time, which unfortunately isn't an easy task. Good seeing you here, and we should troop sometime. Two spartans should be better than one.
Name: Madeline, or Asianinspace on the boards
Location: MN, around the Twin Cities
Costuming since: I got into costuming about 3 or 4 years ago.
About me: I work in electrical R&D for a 3D printing company. Costuming is the main hobby taking up all my time now. I do mostly star wars costuming but occasionally branch out to other things, superheroes, halo, etc. I volunteer with a local charity costume groups most weekends. I also met my soon to be wife through star wars costuming. I also build droids, I got into that about the time I started costuming. I have 2 BB-8s, a mouse droid, a disguised BB-8 (from TLJ), and a BB-9e that I built with my girlfriend. I have an R-series in the works as well and absolutely no room in my house for all of these projects.
Favorite Cons: Any con in MN, I just debuted my armor at CONvergence. I travel for 1 or 2 cons a year, I've been to ECCC, DragonCon, a few wizard worlds, planet comiccon and Star Wars Celebration. I've been meaning to get to C2E2 as well. I'm not sure which travel ones I'll be hitting this coming year.
Costumes/Props: For halo I just finished my hayabusa armor and I'm working on a needler, probably a needle rifle as well. Other costumes I have include Rey, Leia, Rose Tico, Paige Tico, Bultar Swan, Doctor Aphra, and Jessika Pava for Star wars. Some of my others are Silk (marvel), a few Laura Kinney wolverine/x-23 variants, Minerva (Captain Marvel), Lexa (The 100) and Chell (portal). I have a few others but those are the highlights haha.

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That's a really nice paint job!
YOOOO! Finally another Minnesotan. We are a hidden group aren't we? Sometimes you find a straggler, but not too often. I hope to go to more cons. I just need to find time, which unfortunately isn't an easy task. Good seeing you here, and we should troop sometime. Two spartans should be better than one.

Definitely! I make it to a lot of MN cons and I expect I'll be wearing my armor to a few of them haha.
Name: Joseph AKA Spartan Zero
Location: I live in lower Wisconsin in the Janesville area.
Costuming since: I've been creating since 2014 with my first being Altair from assassins creed.
About me: I'm an avid cosplayer who's always wanting to improve my craft.
Favorite Cons: I frequently go to anime Milwaukee and Midwest.
Costumes/Props: I've made a full set of reach S3 armor that I'm always trying to improve be it with techniques
that you all have taught me or with my own experiments. I've also got an assault rifle i made by taking a Nerf gun
and putting foam over it (and yes i can still fires darts) as well as a repaint of a boom co magnum.

Name: Brandon/Buck
Location: Chicago
Costuming since: Just this year! Went all in with a Sean Bradley kit for Halo Outpost Discovery in Chicago.
About me: Always wanted to get into cosplay, and the announcement of Outpost Discovery gave me my reason. In my spare time, I play Halo and various other games on both PC and Xbox. Find me on twitter @ManhoodMagic.
Favorite Cons: Halo Outpost Discovery in Chicago was my first, but I'll definitely be around the cons that happen in Rosemont in the future.
Costumes/Props: My Bradley kit build, which I affectionately refer to as ODST Buck, but not that one. The SMG is the only part that I didn't have any part in creating, shoutout to StarJeff3DWorkshop on that one.
The other ODST Buck with Steve and Jen!
Name: Joseph AKA Spartan Zero
Location: I live in lower Wisconsin in the Janesville area.
Costuming since: I've been creating since 2014 with my first being Altair from assassins creed.
About me: I'm an avid cosplayer who's always wanting to improve my craft.
Favorite Cons: I frequently go to anime Milwaukee and Midwest.
Costumes/Props: I've made a full set of reach S3 armor that I'm always trying to improve be it with techniques
that you all have taught me or with my own experiments. I've also got an assault rifle i made by taking a Nerf gun
and putting foam over it (and yes i can still fires darts) as well as a repaint of a boom co magnum.

Hey! Welcome to the family! Real excited to see you here, and as a fellow wisconsinite we should troop sometime!
Name: Tom (guess i need to come up with an alias.
Location: Morris, MN.
Costuming since: Started making my own costumes for Halloween parties in 2014.
About me: Went to Outpost chicago and my son (13) really wants to get into cosplay and making a costume so we are going to give it a go. Otherwise im a pretty basic father of 2.
Favorite Cons: E3, GenCon and Wizard world are the only ones I've been to.
Costumes/Props: Made a Cobra Viper costume for myself a few years ago that won a Wizard world contest. That's my only attempt so far but I have big plans.
Name: Nico
Location: Flint MI
Costuming since: Started costume work and attending conventions in 2010, took years to really start looking good tho
About me: I'm a approved member of the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club and Rebel Legion (Star Wars clubs) so I'm used to the adult dress up life. I've had Halo costuming friends for years, but been getting better looks at their gear lately, and its been making me wanna finally pull the trigger on getting Halo gear done.
Favorite Cons: Maker Faire Detroit, Star Wars Celebration, Michigan Comic Con, etc.
Costumes/Props: I've had a lot of one-off cosplays over the years, but the two costumes I've got that have stuck around and improved are both Star Wars club ones; my Mandalorian with the MMCC and Kazuda Xiono (main character from Star Wars Resistance) with the Rebel Legion.

Pics of my Mando to say i'm not an armored poser :p Cant wait to get some Halo gear going finally.


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