Roll Call!

Name: Brandon/Buck
Location: Chicago
Costuming since: Just this year! Went all in with a Sean Bradley kit for Halo Outpost Discovery in Chicago.
About me: Always wanted to get into cosplay, and the announcement of Outpost Discovery gave me my reason. In my spare time, I play Halo and various other games on both PC and Xbox. Find me on twitter @ManhoodMagic.
Favorite Cons: Halo Outpost Discovery in Chicago was my first, but I'll definitely be around the cons that happen in Rosemont in the future.
Costumes/Props: My Bradley kit build, which I affectionately refer to as ODST Buck, but not that one. The SMG is the only part that I didn't have any part in creating, shoutout to StarJeff3DWorkshop on that one.
The other ODST Buck with Steve and Jen!
I was standing behind you if I am correct when I went to give the thank you's and congrats to the 343i team on the Chicago run!
Name: Danielle (SSG Spall)
Location: Perrysburg, OH
Costuming since: 2010
About me: Greenhouse grower by day, freelance artist and costuming/props enthusiast by night.
Favorite Cons: Ohayocon was my first con, so it's been my home for a while. But I met my boyfriend at TAGFest (may it rest in peace as it no longer exists), so that's a close second. Youmacon is always a blast and I'm looking forward to my very first DragonCon this year!
Costumes/Props: Oh boy, I've got a few: Yuna (FFX), Bubblehead Nurse (Silent Hill), Rao (Okami), Luna (Harry Potter), Genderbent 10th Doctor (Doctor Who), White Mage (Final Fantasy), BlackFire (Teen Titans), Alien Queen armor (OC from Aliens), SSG Spall (Halo Reach/Halo Wars), Marine (Reach). As for props, I've built Cloud's Buster Blade, Rau's Lightning Sword, Yuna's Staff, a White Mage Staff, and a few miscellaneous headdresses. I like to dabble in my own designs.

Looking forward to meeting you all and I'm so excited to be here!

Spall and Azimuth Edited
Alien Queen Armor
Outpost Chicago Group Pic
Weathered Spall Armor
Name: Jonathan
Location: Minneapolis,Mn
Costuming since: 2003
About me: Grew up in Ca, joined the 501st with a episode 2 clone I built from a kit when I was 18.
Moved to Mn in 2006. I like to make props, I mostly utilize 3D printing.
Favorite Cons: c2e2, most local Mn cons.
Costumes/Props: costumes too many to list, but highlights
Roth Vader, ANH TK (wip), Captain America (MCU)
The Rocketeer,Daredevil.
And I am close to finishing printing my MK VI Master Chief, final piece should be done tomorrow, then time to start prepping em for paint.

Cant seem to upload pics in this sub forum, only gives me the hyperlink option.


video of the lights and smoke:
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Hey all! Maybe it's just cause my summer is coming to an end or cause I'm about to start school again, but I am READY and roaring to try and get my cosplays up and going!

Name: Austin or Troop
Location: KCMO, Kansas and Missouri border
Costuming since: I've been following a lot of cosplayers for about 3 years but still haven't built my own yet due to financial struggles
About me: Currently a college student for Music but an avid Halo fan; r/ODST moderator; wanna be competitive Halo 5 player; wanna be Halo speedrunner
Favorite Cons: Kansas City Planet Comic-Con, RTX, Halo Outpost Discovery if they ever do anything like this again.
Costumes/Props: My PLANS currently include: ODST workout clothes, ODST Armor (Probably H2 era or Reach), UNSC Officer Uniform (cosplaying Lieutenant Austen from Thursday War cause of the name similarities), Military Police helmet from Halo Reach with a few technological niceties

I'm always up to listen to anybody who needs anything or wants to spit ball some ideas off of me!
Name: Vlad Brown

Location: Mount Pleasant, MI

Costuming since: I started back around 2013

About me: I'm a costume and prop designer originally from Fort Myers, Florida, but I'm currently going to Central Michigan University studying Biology. While I was in my teenage years I attended an art school where my focus was with sculpture and 3-D media, I've had a couple of my pieces shown in the Salvador Dali museum of art & I've also made a couple pieces that were used in some films.

Favorite Cons: You can find me at pretty much any con that's near by the Michigan or Florida area, although I may start traveling around to further cons.

Costumes/Props: I don't have any of my professionally taken photos saved to my laptop, but here are a few that I have saved on my imgur!

Name: Vlad Brown

Location: Mount Pleasant, MI

Costuming since: I started back around 2013

About me: I'm a costume and prop designer originally from Fort Myers, Florida, but I'm currently going to Central Michigan University studying Biology. While I was in my teenage years I attended an art school where my focus was with sculpture and 3-D media, I've had a couple of my pieces shown in the Salvador Dali museum of art & I've also made a couple pieces that were used in some films.

Favorite Cons: You can find me at pretty much any con that's near by the Michigan or Florida area, although I may start traveling around to further cons.

Costumes/Props: I don't have any of my professionally taken photos saved to my laptop, but here are a few that I have saved on my imgur!

Welcome aboard the Midwest, Xeno! I absolutely love the look of your Storm Rifle! is that all polystyrene? Superb job!

And the needles in your ODST chest are a wonderful touch. Even if you are a few shy of a super combine;)
Name: Vlad Brown

Location: Mount Pleasant, MI

Costuming since: I started back around 2013

About me: I'm a costume and prop designer originally from Fort Myers, Florida, but I'm currently going to Central Michigan University studying Biology. While I was in my teenage years I attended an art school where my focus was with sculpture and 3-D media, I've had a couple of my pieces shown in the Salvador Dali museum of art & I've also made a couple pieces that were used in some films.

Favorite Cons: You can find me at pretty much any con that's near by the Michigan or Florida area, although I may start traveling around to further cons.

Costumes/Props: I don't have any of my professionally taken photos saved to my laptop, but here are a few that I have saved on my imgur!

Where is everyone getting these amazing needles??
Welcome aboard the Midwest, Xeno! I absolutely love the look of your Storm Rifle! is that all polystyrene? Superb job!

And the needles in your ODST chest are a wonderful touch. Even if you are a few shy of a super combine
Thanks mate! Happy to be aboard! It is indeed polystyrene, however it is a special blend i had to purchase online, it is super tough and durable, i highly recommend using it if you plan of building a weapon any time soon! And thank you, i wanted to have something a little original in my piece so i figured needler shards were the way to go!
Guess I should do this, huh.

Name: James B

Location: Champaign, IL

Costuming since: I've always had a love of making and haven't made a whole lot of costumes or props.

About me: I am currently studying Industrial Technology at the local community college. I work at a makerspace teaching people how to use laser cutters and 3D printers. I am excited to be part of this community and hope to offer assistance where I can.

Favorite Cons: I really enjoy going to GenCon. I really want to go to WayPoint as it looks like a ton of fun.

Costumes/Props: None. Yet. I am wanting to make a few props and an armor set soon. I really want to make a Spiker and a few other props.
Well here goes nothing...

NAME: Modern or Connor probably prefer Modern though.

LOCATION: Rochester Hills, Michigan and East Lansing, Michigan

COSTUMING SINCE: So I have never done a cosplay before but I was really looking forward to doing a build of my own and one of my friends introduced me to the 405th!

ABOUT ME: I am currently studying Information Management with a focus of IT at Michigan State University. I don't have much experience to help but I always will when I can! I have done tons of lore studying and other stuff in my free time! I'm just really excited to meet others interested in Halo!

FAV CONS: Captial City Con and Shuto Con because I haven't been to any others haha.

COSTUMES/PROPS: I ain't got none yet but I'm working on ideas for my first build :)
Name: Jonathan
Location: Minneapolis,Mn
Costuming since: 2003
About me: Grew up in Ca, joined the 501st with a episode 2 clone I built from a kit when I was 18.
Moved to Mn in 2006. I like to make props, I mostly utilize 3D printing.
Favorite Cons: c2e2, most local Mn cons.
Costumes/Props: costumes too many to list, but highlights
Roth Vader, ANH TK (wip), Captain America (MCU)
The Rocketeer,Daredevil.
And I am close to finishing printing my MK VI Master Chief, final piece should be done tomorrow, then time to start prepping em for paint.

Cant seem to upload pics in this sub forum, only gives me the hyperlink option.


video of the lights and smoke:
Yooo! Another Minnesotan. We need to find all active MN Spartans and get together. Do something similar to ColFork’s Michigan Misfits. We could be The Minne-Snowtans. Lol
Yooo! Another Minnesotan. We need to find all active MN Spartans and get together. Do something similar to ColFork’s Michigan Misfits. We could be The Minne-Snowtans. Lol
Minnespartans :p
Are you planning on going to Galaxycon? That’s my current goal date for my build, might even try to get it done for Fallcon, on Oct 4 at the fairgrounds
Minnespartans :p
Are you planning on going to Galaxycon? That’s my current goal date for my build, might even try to get it done for Fallcon, on Oct 4 at the fairgrounds
Ha ha love your word over mine. I could try to go one day for Galaxycon. The whole weekend might be hard to pull. I'll keep in touch. You on FB or Twitter?
Name: Ethan
Location: Wisconsin
Costuming since: Started in October
About me: Always been a but quirky. I've also always been one to take my own path rather than lead it.
Favorite Cons: Wisconsin Comic Convention (By Imaginarium)
Costumes/Props: This is the love of my life. I built her, and I will wear her
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Welcome. Love how Chief looks man. Gotta troop sometime.
Name: Tom (guess i need to come up with an alias.
Location: Morris, MN.
Costuming since: Started making my own costumes for Halloween parties in 2014.
About me: Went to Outpost chicago and my son (13) really wants to get into cosplay and making a costume so we are going to give it a go. Otherwise im a pretty basic father of 2.
Favorite Cons: E3, GenCon and Wizard world are the only ones I've been to.
Costumes/Props: Made a Cobra Viper costume for myself a few years ago that won a Wizard world contest. That's my only attempt so far but I have big plans.
Welcome to the forum. Great to see more and more MN peeps.


COSTUMING SINCE: The most elaborate costume I have done before was a Jedi costume that I've worn a number of times. It has been ever evolving for about 5 years now. Before that I just admired others costumes.

ABOUT ME: I am a Windows administrator for a multi-tenant hosting company. I am married and currently have a 8.5 month old daughter. I recently got a 3D printer (Prusa i3mk3S) and have really gotten into it. I have been a Halo fan since the original game and have read my fair share of the books.

FAV CONS: The only con I have been to is Blizzcon (twice). I am trying to get a ticket to go to Comic Con in 2020 and would love to finish my Halo suit by then and wear it!

COSTUMES/PROPS: Working on 3D printing a suit right now!
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