THE UNSC 405TH INFANTRY (Halo's 501st like fan club)!!!!!!!!

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TheBlue said:
Agreed Dark...lets let him work...I'm a patient person ;-)

We are letting him work, but we're planning ahead so when he's not busy he'll have loads of ideas to sift through.
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I think we shouldn't plan too far ahead, because we don't want all of those ideas we came up with to get blown out the window.

Just a thought ;-)

And Adrenaline....please try to keep those type of opinions to yourself.
Spartan-118 said:
well if it were to go threw we should have 2 leaders that way we can shed ideas more covertly and work better.

Covert means secretly.

You mean more openly?
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Well if theres regiments im Florida regiment all the way baby
But the to leader idea is good for previously stated reasons but what happens when the dont get along and half the 405th agree with one leader and the other half agrees with the other? Thats some Civil War stuff right there.
Fallen and I are trying to establish concrete rules, regulations and such for the 405th. We take your ideas, our own, and mix them and stuff to see what would benefit the 405th. :mrgreen:

All ideas are taken to thought and discussed.
Now, the youth 405th. If you guys want, you can start one, but it may not be identified with the legit 405th.

Now, if you are underaged, you can show up to a convention that the 405th is at, BUT, you will not be affialated with the 405th group.

Also, as Darkesword (Fitz) said, please don't get too far ahead of yourselves in planning. Take it one thing at a time.

Adam, Sean, link, ect. are very busy trying to get this plan really rolling. :mrgreen:
link4044 said:
you guys need too stop jumping ahead here

That's what I said earlier, and what Christi just said as well..


Take it to heart :heart:

And wait...patiently :lindsey:
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Okay we have established who is doing what on the second day of this thread, if we need more help, you WILL recieve a PM, and what link said were going a little too fast, so take it down a notch
everyone needs to clam down. there is a lot of ideas being thrown out, but we first need to get the basics done first. getting the site started, rules, ranking that kind of stuff should be done first.

not to shoot down any ones ideas it just the site hasnt even been made yet and we are getting too far ahead of ourselves, we just need to take it easy until we get started
The first things that are being established are rules, a ranking and numbering system. :mrgreen:
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