TORG Gaming Expo Info and Roll Call: November 1st, 2024 - November 3rd, 2024 (Columbus, Ohio)

- Wayward Flood
- Spartan4204
- marinesniper
- FuriousFido +1
- TwoOneSix +1
- Parzival
- Fallen
- Benton188
- Rosebud
- antrodite
- Bloxxer
- Negativecacti
- NobleofDeath16
- Jwinnicker
- Wicked Demon 15 (Sunday)
- Spidermonkey60
- OFiveTwo
- Schankerz
- NewBrody
- SSGLordBert
- SSGLordElmo
- Cadet
- Littlefoot1221
- nerdman234
- he4thbar
- CherriDragon +1
- SluggZila
- tahu505
- JTF4
- Jocko03
- Satan Farted
- SeaSickle
- CozmiqVixen
- ultrawombat222
- SpicyMcTuna
- SpartanSweed

If you have put yourself down as attending I NEED you to make sure you are on the attendance sheet please. The show runners need this ASAP. Thank you.

Attendance Sheet
Just added my +1's information in the handler section
I mean...if that's the case I can run Spark since...well...I will in fact be the light bulb
*says in Gru voice from despicable me* Liiiight BulB

Yea i heard somewhere that they were going to be letting the cosplayers that did like, Master Chief and Cortana get time with them up close. But being how unique that'd be, i think they should let you in on that as well! I can't wait to see your Sparky!
As in while they're at their assigned space have a member or 2 posted for picture stand ins
If allowed I love that idea. Especially since the 405th is getting to be a part of the actual con. Having specific cosplayers work WITH or directly next to them would be AMAZING ( As well as a dream come true for me. Even if its juss 5 mins of getting to stand next to them. I was cosplaying Raven from Justice League the first time I met Steve ((Said he loved my Raven too! baheheh)) But if I can be around them as Cortana!? I'll die happily right then an there LawL) So yea. That would be an amazing honor beyond words!!!
If allowed I love that idea. Especially since the 405th is getting to be a part of the actual con. Having specific cosplayers work WITH or directly next to them would be AMAZING ( As well as a dream come true for me. Even if its juss 5 mins of getting to stand next to them. I was cosplaying Raven from Justice League the first time I met Steve ((Said he loved my Raven too! baheheh)) But if I can be around them as Cortana!? I'll die happily right then an there LawL) So yea. That would be an amazing honor beyond words!!!
I think it'd be cool having my picture taken with the voice of master chief with other spartans but that'd be something we'd have to run by NobleofDeath16
Hey bring your stickers and shove one in my face so I don't forget this time
For Real though! I want things, and i always enjoy getting stickers and cards and things people bring for me. I juss tend to forget to ask or grab them in all the hecticness! So please always make sure i realize you have stuff for me to take!
Also, side note, how many if any Reach Noble Team Spartans might be coming? Juss wanna see if we can get group pics Fri maybe! :love:
Also, only cuz I've heard or been in some of the convos discussing attendees and getting names on lists and such. I know you guys are dealing with a TON right now and all the time. As well as it was stated that you like to wait until there's a few people or updates on who all's said they're going for sure. But I know Wendi, as well as Erne, stated Awhile back that they were for sure boots on ground as well as on the attendance list.
Juss don't want anyone getting lost in the posts or possibly forgotten for tickets or acceptance and shtuff! :D Thankies and I'll go back to my nerd hole now :lol:
For Real though! I want things, and i always enjoy getting stickers and cards and things people bring for me. I juss tend to forget to ask or grab them in all the hecticness! So please always make sure i realize you have stuff for me to take!
Also, side note, how many if any Reach Noble Team Spartans might be coming? Juss wanna see if we can get group pics Fri maybe! :love:
I’m thinking abt making an illustration of my elite and getting it printed on stickers, if I get to it I’ll let you know:)
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