Wow... That CQB is so clean. It, simply, is superb! I thought about doing a CQB helm for a while, I might eventually do one, once I finish my current bucket. Keep up the awesome work!
ah...found the real deal thread![]()
Well......................(sigh) sadly, not a lot. I did find a way to make my visor on the cheap. I am gonna test it first before I spill the beans. Don't wanna look like a dork if it doesn't work out,lol. I still have the right leg and boot left to pep, oh and now I have to redo the ab plate, it warped like a pretzel when I rondoed it,lol. Oh well, no biggy, I will just glass it next time. I have been pretty busy doing a pep commission but that is almost over. Hopefully then, I can get back to it, I miss working on it.Whats the status on this Beast!!! I need Moar!! lol![]()
Jones'n for more. I just can't wait to see how this helm comes out, not to mention the suit as a whole. Please I'm in need of more eye candy!!!![]()
terrific build O__O awesome and clean pep work and paint jobs) this sir is craftsmanship!
you realise that you are planning to paint it white and black. those are the two hardest "colour" to get to look good, but so far, its looking real nice.
I just realized that I don't think I've ever posted in this thread, but I've definitely watched with great interest and I've been constantly impressed with the quality of this build! Props for making the CQB helmet, which is definitely a rarity. Keep up the great work! If the rest of the suit ends up being as good as the helmet, which I have no doubt it will, it will be incredible.![]()
I really hope you get some time to finish this soon, its going to be an awsome set of armor, not to mention the first one complete with the CQB model helmet you used, and if the suit turns out as good as the helmet, I predict Elite status