Loves hina
Jr Member
Nice work. This is one that i really cant wait to see finished
Drakku said:Hey guys, just updating on what's new. No pics or videos yet, but I'll try to get something together soon.
First up, I recently re-pepped the feet at a different scale to fit my shoes properly. They look much better, but now I'm having doubts about the other pieces of armor, if they're the right size. I know the chest is much too small, I'm planning on bumping that up.
Arm plates have dropped to a standstill. I'm hoping to fix that. I want to have them completely finished by this weekend, and that's that. Grr!
As far as skin goes, my mother and I have finished planning out things, and she'll start sowing tomorrow morning while I finish popsicle-sticking things into place.
I'm going to start resin'ing next week, hardcore. I want to get one piece done each day, and my brother-in-law is going to help me out, so hopefully we can churn them out rather fast. We've got a bunch of fiberglass-inclined mutual friends, so we may try to get them to help out as well when it gets to that stage.
Then it's bondo bondo bondo and hope for the best.
I'm starting to really worry I won't have it done in time, but I think if I kick it into overdrive, I could maybe get it done. The jaws won't be moveable, so this'll be a rough version of the costume before I get a final one done. Final including proper digitigrade stilts, working jaws, better hands, etc.
If anyone's up for helping with the resin or fiberglass, I'd toootally appreciate it.. D;
Bondo help would prolly be awesome too, getting the details carved in.
If anyone's up for it, we could have a party. Wee!
Ehkru said:From what I do remember of The Cole Protocol, when it speaks of the main pro/antagonist Elite, it has multiple flashbacks of his younger days in the 'Keep' where all those of his family's name resided, they wore furs and such.
Thuril said:First off, Awsome. Secondly, I'm a little surprised to see so many other Elite/Arby projects being run. I'l admit , so far mines probably the most complicated/expensive. hope you don't mind if I take notes for simplyfying and cutting back costs. Also, Were'd you get your pep designs for the Arbiter armor? i've been tring to find a layout for the basic "Combat" permutation armor. (might look into other permutations later for head/helm and shoulder plates)