I got my soldering iring iron at radio shack for $8Silverzippo93 said:How much does a soildering iron cost?
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I got my soldering iring iron at radio shack for $8Silverzippo93 said:How much does a soildering iron cost?
tick said:I got my soldering iring iron at radio shack for $8
Yodajammies said:Spase, why is your resistor AFTER the LED element?
You're asking for burnt out leds man. You need to drop the voltage before it hits the leds.
TwitchFMX8811 said:ok I think I got this figured out. If I use 2 9v batteries and use spases diagram this should work.
2x - 9v batteries
4x - LEDs 3.3v 25mA
1x - 220 ohm resistor
I used this site to calculate this. Correct me if im wrong.
Just one question. Is there a certain way you need to face the resistors? If so which way.
Macattack64 said:I was looking at that site too... and when I punched yours in there... Theoretically it should work as bright as its supposed to... :\... but it doesn't...
Also is there a way to put in 3 different colors of lights instead of 1 white and have it wired some how to blink to beats of like music...
lolollloolololotick said:I got my soldering iring iron at radio shack for $8
try going to a local store and but a toy with a switch and LED's just take out the light and switch put it in your helmet and presto.or maybe a book lightMC Chris said:Im new to thiese projects of making armour but was curious how do you wire the leds to a switch and battery (basically saying, i have no idea of anything to do with electronics)? im knew to these so please dont get to technical
Ronin said:Here is the wiring harness I made for my helmet. All of this can be purchased at Radio Shack. Except the the wire I used. Everything worked good last Saturday at AdventureCon. The battery on the fans did gave out on me after about 4 hours.