ChefBZD's foam Master Chief WIP (pic heavy)

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Everything is connected properly, the issue was that the servo requires more voltage than it states. It says 4.8-6v on the servo, so 4 AA batteries should have been plenty. I hooked up the board and the servo to two separate power sources and the servo moved for a second and then stopped. I don't know much about electronics, will a bigger battery like a 9v kill the servo? Or should I just stick to my current configuration and buy a smaller servo?

4 AA batteries have to be wired in a series to get 6 volts make sure this is done. Simple. You connect them in series — that is, you stack them nose to tail. This adds up the voltages (1.5 volts × 4 cells = 6 volts).

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Boom! Say Hello to my LITTLE FRIEND!



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I just find one thing to be a little out of place the flash light. if you where to fire that thing it would slam into it. taking out not only the gun but the user as well. unless that's the barrel end I mean I thought it fired down the middle of the weapon and that's that.
I just find one thing to be a little out of place the flash light. if you where to fire that thing it would slam into it. taking out not only the gun but the user as well. unless that's the barrel end I mean I thought it fired down the middle of the weapon and that's that.

I agree, the design doesn't make much sense, but the flashlight looking thing is present in the design...not just something I added. In the reference pics it appears to be a sensor of some sort...anyhoo, the flashlight I used is the perfect size according to the reference pics. It is, after all, from a video game...not a real life firearm, haha...
I agree, the design doesn't make much sense, but the flashlight looking thing is present in the design...not just something I added. In the reference pics it appears to be a sensor of some sort...
You're pretty close to what it is. It's the aiming sensor.
yeah about that we have a working rail gun it's on a ship.... so yeah making a smaller version might be do able. just thing about it there's a car about to hit you and you fire this bad boy and boom front end of car is just gone.
yeah about that we have a working rail gun it's on a ship.... so yeah making a smaller version might be do able. just thing about it there's a car about to hit you and you fire this bad boy and boom front end of car is just gone.

Yeah, I know...its a bad mother. I was talking about this particular design.
Oh wow, your build is coming along amazing!! Really spot on with everything imo. And that rail gun is so sick, oh my goodness. I bet it must feel pretty badass holding that sucker lol. Which piece are you gonna tackle now? I can't wait.
Oh wow, your build is coming along amazing!! Really spot on with everything imo. And that rail gun is so sick, oh my goodness. I bet it must feel pretty badass holding that sucker lol. Which piece are you gonna tackle now? I can't wait.

Thanks! Probably knock out the ab/cod and butt plate tomorrow
your build is amazingly spot on man, its just beautiful. The railgun is an amazing feat as well, you should get it molded so i can stop throwing my money at the screen :)
Knocked out the ab/cod today (had to make it twice as the first one was way too small...giggity...). I used the file on RainbowDash's thread, had to resize it an extra 30%, so keep that in mind if you intend to use the same file. The only additional detail I added was the four small circles in the two corners of the ab plate. Also I started my boots today...



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ahaaaaa the secret has been revealed lol i got a question thoug, when you say resize for the cog piece you mean scale it up to 30 percent or scale it down? love the gun by the way holy cow
Knocked out the ab/cod today (had to make it twice as the first one was way too small...giggity...). I used the file on RainbowDash's thread, had to resize it an extra 30%, so keep that in mind if you intend to use the same file. The only additional detail I added was the four small circles in the two corners of the ab plate. Also I started my boots today...



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ahaaaaa the secret has been revealed lol i got a question thoug, when you say resize for the cog piece you mean scale it up to 30 percent or scale it down? love the gun by the way holy cow

Scale up an additional 30% from the original file.
*Drools over everything* Impressive work dude, your build is making me wonder whether I should try building in foam and ditch pepakura/bondo.
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