ChefBZD's foam Master Chief WIP (pic heavy)

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just be glad you didn't put the loading camber in it.

Haha...I was going to! I wanted to have the charge/round cartridge as a separate removable piece, but that would have drastically weakened the structural integrity of the gun. If it was say, a casting of the gun, that would be possible. The ammo hatch will open though, hopefully on a servo if i can figure it out...
well you could place the camber on the outside of the gun and warp round so you don't have to cut into it. this just place a piston on the inside and it just lifts it up.
Very cool idea. Are you sticking with original color scheme?

Sent using Tapatalk Pro Gamertag: RYNOx666


  • by7yvyru.jpg
    57.3 KB · Views: 190
Very cool idea. Are you sticking with original color scheme?

Sent using Tapatalk Pro Gamertag: RYNOx666

I'm either gonna do the gunmetal green like that pic or go with a desert tan color on ultra flat black...I want it to pop againstvthe armor, if I do the green its just gonna look like a part of the armor in pictures...we'll see...

@foxleader- the actual ammo hatch will open on a servo, thats why I got the arduino...I'm just not making the cartridge seperate, leaves too much of the body hollow, it would break in half.


  • by7yvyru.jpg
    57.3 KB · Views: 197
Master bat prime, your build keeps blowing my mind! The amount of detail you put into your armor is amazing! Plus, you look like a total badass with your armor!
Btw, are you going to make your helmet out of foam ? That would be interesting...
Master bat prime, your build keeps blowing my mind! The amount of detail you put into your armor is amazing! Plus, you look like a total badass with your armor!
Btw, are you going to make your helmet out of foam ? That would be interesting...

I will be ATTEMPTING the helmet in foam, however I think I might buy a casting...depends on time...
Should be done building the rail gun tomorrow. Got a day at the shooting range and the Amon Amarth concert tonight, so it'll have to wait. Still waiting on the EL tape to arrive anyway. I hope it comes...I bought it on eBay almost a week ago and it hasn't shipped yet...:(



  • 20140127_141604_zpszrjgcnkz.jpg
    28.6 KB · Views: 197
I dont know what I'm doing wrong, everything is connected properly, I'm using the correct voltage, the sketch uploaded to the arduino just fine...but the the servo isnt working.



  • 20140128_112730_zpslas4jctx.jpg
    57.6 KB · Views: 211
Broken cable somewhere between the board and servo? Often it's something ridiculously simple that proves to break everything.
Is the cable from the servo to the board somehow flipped? I've managed that before.
Everything is connected properly, the issue was that the servo requires more voltage than it states. It says 4.8-6v on the servo, so 4 AA batteries should have been plenty. I hooked up the board and the servo to two separate power sources and the servo moved for a second and then stopped. I don't know much about electronics, will a bigger battery like a 9v kill the servo? Or should I just stick to my current configuration and buy a smaller servo?
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