Commander Sarah Palmer - Scout variant of the MJOLNIR GEN2

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Are you going to make "weapons" for it? IF so some way to keep in the HUD track of weapon usability/ammo consumption. Also a HUD of what "type" of ammo you have selected.
maybe finding a why to wirelessly connect the ammo count from the replicant FX ticker to the HUD would be cool.
Are you going to make "weapons" for it? IF so some way to keep in the HUD track of weapon usability/ammo consumption. Also a HUD of what "type" of ammo you have selected.

I will be making a set of M6H Magnums for Palmer, don't know what to do for my husband's scout yet. Any suggestions? We are thinking of setting up magnetic holsters that trigger a HUD notification when one gets taken from the holster.

maybe finding a why to wirelessly connect the ammo count from the replicant FX ticker to the HUD would be cool.

The system will connect wirelessly via bluetooth, but I will look up this 'replicant FX ticker'. Thanks.

Keep the ideas and feedback coming. We want something that will really make people go "Wow that's cool!"
Subscribed by me. :)

I'm already working on a new undersuit design, halo3 basis and integrating water cooling technology, i'll be sure to pass on my tech info to you once I have the prototype complete. :)
Subscribed by me. :)

I'm already working on a new undersuit design, halo3 basis and integrating water cooling technology, i'll be sure to pass on my tech info to you once I have the prototype complete. :)

Absolutely let me know, as a group we really need to figure out the cooling thing. Once we find something that works, and works well, we can start finding ways to make it happen more economically so all 405th members can reap the benefits.

No more sweaty, heat exhausted, spartans I say.

I will keep an eye out for your thread when you start it up transmut1.
Very nice on the sound pack, i just built something like that for my M6G pistol, except is has full recoil and kickback. :) Gotta work up my thread on that too.
If you're looking to make the HUD (*HMD) a little more Halo-themed visually, I might be able to craft up something if you're interested.

Okay that is definitely cool. And I think a bluetooth connection would work to transit that counter data. Quick question, is it better to;
a) Keep the weapon sounds and lights self contained within the weapon (ie. controls and power), OR
b) keep the controls and power as part of the halo armor (without the suit the gun is incapable of using its features)?
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If you're looking to make the HUD (*HMD) a little more Halo-themed visually, I might be able to craft up something if you're interested.

Sweet! We've got a fair few techie heads working on how these things will function (hardware and software wise) but not so much on how it will all look. I will definitely take you up on that offer!

Especially since I have not even played Halo, I am going by the still picture they have up on Halopedia. So someone who knows what it actually looks like in-game and how the HUD info interacts as the player moves will be a valuable asset.
Sweet! We've got a fair few techie heads working on how these things will function (hardware and software wise) but not so much on how it will all look. I will definitely take you up on that offer!

Especially since I have not even played Halo, I am going by the still picture they have up on Halopedia. So someone who knows what it actually looks like in-game and how the HUD info interacts as the player moves will be a valuable asset.

Doing a quick rundown of the elements in your above post - doesn't look too complex so far.
From those, did you have a preference towards any style of the HUDs?

PrePostAmmendment: Did some rough paper sketches for the control device thing, and actual helmet interface between classes.
I think that's all the functions you listed a few posts up.

Control Device concept:

Potato HUD Mk1

(This is open to everyone)

E: If you can't tell, this is "pre-alpha" element blocking. It looks automagically better once I start vectoring.
Trust me.

E2: Whoops. Left out the nutrition/hydration timers. Knew I forgot something.


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Re: Help Needed - Ideas for Systems Features

I need good ideas for making this suit into a in-game interactive experience. I had a meeting with the prof who is thinking of using this suit as a special project in his 'Embedded Systems' class, and we are detailing out our proposal for funding this equipment. A large part of this proposal is creating a list of features that will be part of these systems. Unfortunately, I have a total of about 3 hours of gameplay on HALO 2, and no other Halo experience. I am hoping that those of you that are following this build can help me come up with ideas on ways we can make these suits really 'come to life' and provide a true Halo-like experience. I will include the list that we have come up with so far here, and look forward to seeing your suggestions below. A master list of the features we will be proposing will be posted to the 'Methods and Discussion' post at the beginning of this thread.

So without further adieu here they are:
Halo 4 suit proposed features

Audible warning at 2% ('Spartan the battery levels are critical')
Rather than having the dialog, you should definitely use an audio clip of your shields going down.
When you plug yourself in to recharge, you should use the sound clip of the shields restoring themselves.
Likewise, if you unplug yourself, it would be cool to have it sound like your shields go down temporarily, and then are restored soon after. (I forget how long it takes for them to recharge, maybe a 5-second delay or so)

Cooling System
Maybe add a "Amount of Time passed since last refilled"

Experience Projection
For the forward facing cameras, are you planning on essentially implementing 2 HUDs? One that you see and one that is overlayed on the output of the camera. ...or are you planning on having a camera inside the helmet, over the top of your right brow that is also looking at the HUD your glasses are creating?

Spartan Locators
• (See motion tracker information below)
• In-game, when you look at someone (either centered in your vision or with your reticle), their name shows up above them, when non-centered, you can sometimes see their call-sign/clan-tag.

Here are some HUDs (either from in-game or custom made by someone, in relation to Halo)
ODSTs have a night vision mode called VISR mode, which basically highlights the silhouettes of important objects. That's the first screen shot I have listed.

But, as you can see, in looking at them, all of them contain certain elements:
• Border around the screen
• Compass, centered, very top
• Shield and Health (Health is exclusive to Halo 1 and Halo Reach) this is just below the Compass
• Projectile Distance Overlays (at both top and bottom)
• Grenade Type(s) and Count - Top Left, active grenade slot is highlighted
• Active Weapon - Top Right, shows all the bullets in the clip visually rather than a number, but it does show a number for total ammo available for the weapon
• Secondary Weapon - Silhouetted behind the primary weapon with total ammo on count
• Motion Sensor, Bottom-Left, shows enemies in red, friendlies in blue, and I think party members in green (maybe).
• Active Armor Ability, Bottom-Left, just above the motion sensor
• Center - Weapon reticle. Though this is centered in-game, you should make the reticle move based on where your gun(s) is(are) pointing in relation to your forward-facing vision.
• Bottom-Right - empty, typically reserved for scores during matchmaking
• (Not shown) When you are getting shot from the left/right/behind, there are arrows at the far left or right of the screen to indicate the direction you are being shot from.

Additional Features you could implement:
• ODST Face illumination -
- - - • See how the visor of the helmet goes from clear to solid at 1:16, and around 2:16-2:20.
- - - • Some have done this in the past by including LEDs within the helmet that shine on your face so people can see you.
• Motion tracking sensor, as mentioned with the details of the HUD above, could include:
- - - • I would include friends/family as green dots, 405th members as blue dots, and everyone else as red dots
- - - • If you want to go up and above, people who are crouching or not moving should vanish from the motion sensor

I'm not sure if you mentioned it earlier, but having an intake/exhaust system using fans for airflow into the helmet would be a nice addition. When I say this, I mean that it would be nice if you had some externally open vents on the helmet that had fans behind them that would intake the air and distribute it around your head.
But... if you are considering on wearing your helmet while riding on a motorcycle, having vents in the front where air can flow in and vents in the back so air can flow out is pretty standard these days when it comes to motorcycle helmets.

And don't forget to consider getting a motorcycle helmet breath deflector so you aren't always fogging up your visor.

but those don't compare to the most important feature of all....

Being able to get out of your armor by yourself
Finding a way to quickly jump out of your armor to either just cool off or go to the bathroom after you've been holding it for the past 3 hours is pretty nice.

Suggestions for your husband's weapon to carry:
Well, everyone loves the shotgun, or even the rocket launcher, but why have those when you could have this......

One downside, some conventions have rules against things on fire. Not sure why......

Okay that is definitely cool. And I think a bluetooth connection would work to transit that counter data. Quick question, is it better to;
a) Keep the weapon sounds and lights self contained within the weapon (ie. controls and power), OR
b) keep the controls and power as part of the halo armor (without the suit the gun is incapable of using its features)?

Something to consider: Make your ammo magazines removable. Use them as the housings for your batteries, which will make them easier to replace when you need to replace them and it puts the batteries out of the way to allow you to have more room in the rest of your weapons for tech.
I'm not 100% sure on this, but If you had a capacitor or a rechargeable battery within the gun, and had your ammo counter designed/set up so that it would get reset when you removed the magazine and added it back in, it would be nice because then the gun wouldn't die when you removed the magazine temporarily.
Another tidbit, if you get the rest of the above working, you might be able to hide the power switches for the gun within the handle, which would be accessible when you have the magazine pulled out. basically, you would just have recesses within the the area that the magazine goes into, and then you house your switches in those recesses, deep enough so that the magazine doesn't hit them, but not too deep, so you can still switch them on/off.
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Progress Notes

I'm still mulling over the notes and suggestions you have posted above regarding the suit features and HUD; I'll post a response to them once I've settled them into my mind.

Tonight, though, I managed to take some time to work with my husband on the arm pieces. Here's the progress:
HALO Scout 001.JPGHALO Scout 002.JPGHALO Scout 003.JPG

It seems really big right now, but we'll see once it's all finished up.
Well, have a look what I found today...
Perhaps sound effects for the guns?

I have access to the raw game assets - you can have whatever you like as long as you provide a list of what you need.

Also, this is a very, very ambitious costume project. I hope you haven't underestimated the scope of this task.
Your planning phase is really detailed! Hope the rest of the build goes smoothly!
I have access to the raw game assets - you can have whatever you like as long as you provide a list of what you need.

Thanks for the offer. When we get to the point of matching people to projects I will make sure to get you that list. More than likely it would be around November of this year.

Also, this is a very, very ambitious costume project. I hope you haven't underestimated the scope of this task.

Absolutely, very ambitious. We have our goal date for completion as the release of Halo 5. We figure we'll need an average of 4 hours of work each day from both of us in order to get things finished on time. We have chunked out things in stages so that we can set more preliminary goals. Stage one - exo-suits and pepakura by November. Stage two - functioning cooling system and fibre-glassing complete. Stage three - functioning electronics system with proof-of concept features and detailing armour. Stage 4 - Finishing armour, installing lights, connecting systems. Stage 5 - weapons and auxiliary features by Fall 2015.

We may not hit all the goals - but I think we'll get there eventually. The two of us are pretty well known for finding crazy ambitious projects and wrestling through them. I think with each others support, and the advice of the 405th, we have a pretty good chance of knocking this one out.
I have some ideas for a working cooling suit. i will get some drawlings and parts list for you.
Your ideas look friggin AWESOME! I'm concerned about a cluttered HUD, though. I haven't used google glass before but fitting all of these together might be very difficult. Maybe you could add a control panel on your wrist or something? Just a thought. Looking forward to seeing this complete :)
Progress Notes

Quick update with tonight's pepakura work. Just a few pieces added, but the arm has definitely taken on its shape much better. The length of the piece looks exactly right, but it still seems quite wide. Still waiting to finish before making any decisions on adjustments. Here are some pictures:
HALO Scout 001.JPGHALO Scout 002.JPG

One thing I have been pondering over the last couple of days is how I am going to address the elbow covering piece. This part of the arm is probably going to be the most vulnerable portion of the whole armor (ie. most likely to get banged against walls, furniture, people needing to be elbowed out of the way, etc.) and getting fibreglass sheets in through that opening seems impossible. Here's the opening from either side (easier to see when the piece is still unfinished, but when complete you will only be able to get in from inside the arm area):
HALO Scout 003.JPGHALO Scout 004.JPG

Some solutions I thought might be suitable:
  • do not fibreglass this area, just use all bondo layers
  • fill the entire elbow area with spray foam and hope the resin and bondo'd outside will be strong enough to prevent damage

What do you suggest?


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