Commander Sarah Palmer - Scout variant of the MJOLNIR GEN2

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Re: Research Materials

All of those links posted on Scaling and Strapping have totally helped me. Thanks so much for giving those links, I haven't seen those on the forums anywhere! Also, I've read through A LOT of what you've written, boy did you write a lot for planning, and I'm just a recruit so half of this stuff confuses me, but at the same time, it's really interesting.
We Are Go For Features and HUD!!!!!!

Holey baloney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got word that we have been given the go-ahead for the funding of the Google glass and electronics for this and my husband's build!

I repeat, my crazy-ass scheme to get people to give me money AND skilled individuals to make my cosplay project the-most-kick-butt-project-on-the-face-of-this-earth[SUP]TM[/SUP] just worked. It actually worked.

AND on top of that @Arcanine just uploaded all of the female game assets from HALO 4 so I can look good in my Palmer suit, too.

Today is a mighty fine day my friends...
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Re: We Are Go For Features and HUD!!!!!!

Holey baloney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got word that we have been given the go-ahead for the funding of the Google glass and electronics for this and my husband's build!

I repeat, my crazy-ass scheme to get people to give me money AND skilled individuals to make my cosplay project the-most-kick-butt-project-on-the-face-of-this-earth[SUP]TM[/SUP] just worked. It actually worked.

AND on top of that @Arcanine just uploaded all of the female game assets from HALO 4 so I can look good in my Palmer suit, too.

Today is a mighty fine day my friends...

Can't wait to see this come together..!
Re: Research Materials

All of those links posted on Scaling and Strapping have totally helped me. Thanks so much for giving those links, I haven't seen those on the forums anywhere! Also, I've read through A LOT of what you've written, boy did you write a lot for planning, and I'm just a recruit so half of this stuff confuses me, but at the same time, it's really interesting.

I am glad I have taken the time to add that section on resources. When I reserved that space I was thinking 'hmmm, I wonder if this will just be redundant.' But I figured there would be at least a couple of articles and such located outside the 405th forums that would be useful. I guess it also makes for a good quick and dirty guide for good (and relevant) articles located on the 405th too.

If you are having difficulties finding the articles on the 405th, remember that they have been condensed into one stuck post at the top of each relevant thread. The one for the Creation Discussion, is here: Creation Discussion Stuck Thread Index

I would recommend having a good look through the stuck threads of the New Recruits, Creation Discussion, and the Pepakura and Cardboard Armour areas to get a good foundation of knowledge to plan out your own build, if you haven't already. From there the search tool on the top left corner becomes your best friend. Also, don't forget that once you have found relevant threads through the top left search box, you can search each thread individually by using the search box that shows up on the right side of your screen above the subscribe button. Thread searching really helps to narrow down things when you are looking at 20+ page long build threads.

I am so behind on putting up my planning updates, as I have been busy trying to edit my tutorial video, get some pep work done, and send out proposals for funding of the more advanced features. I hope I can get caught up on this stuff soon.

Also, I am just a new recruit too. I only started thinking about building this armour and researching it back in June (right when the Master Chief Collection for the XBone was announced). I am lucky enough to have a fair bit of experience with researching and planning, so I can do this type of stuff quite quickly. My secret is making a million, bazillion notes and bookmarking anything relevant.

If you find you get confused and can't see to find any answers don't get discouraged, you can send me a message and I will do what I can to help you out. Also, you may notice that I have been using my build thread here as a place to put my musings, ideas, and ask any questions as they come about. Sometimes this is just a way for me to make a note of them so I remember to search out an answer at a later time, but more often than not another forum member provides an answer/suggestions/input/idea before I even get the chance. When you know what build you would like to attempt you can start a build thread too, for your own updates and musings so we can help each other out.

And I am really glad you find it interesting, because I assumed most people would find it too boring.
Progress Notes

We have been working on the forearm piece for my husband's scout; I am on a holding pattern for my Palmer pieces for the female HALO 4 assets to get cleaned up for unfolding. I did find out that our good friends just recently acquired a Silhouette Cameo (for their scrap booking hobby) and are willing to let us use the machine to print out our pepakura pieces. No more hand cramps!

So today I will spending my time looking up how to convert the print layouts from Pepakura Designer into something the Cameo software will read and print. I will be posting any good tutorials for this process at the beginning of this thread for anyone else to look at as well.

Wish me good Google-fu!
Re: Progress Notes

We have been working on the forearm piece for my husband's scout; I am on a holding pattern for my Palmer pieces for the female HALO 4 assets to get cleaned up for unfolding. I did find out that our good friends just recently acquired a Silhouette Cameo (for their scrap booking hobby) and are willing to let us use the machine to print out our pepakura pieces. No more hand cramps!

So today I will spending my time looking up how to convert the print layouts from Pepakura Designer into something the Cameo software will read and print. I will be posting any good tutorials for this process at the beginning of this thread for anyone else to look at as well.

Wish me good Google-fu!

Yes, join the cult of Silhouette Cameo!

One of Us! One of Us!


In all seriousness, it gives you the ability to pack pieces onto a single page and cut them out in minutes. It doesn't score, though. I've found the best method for that is to use the back of an exacto blade across the fold lines.

There is a bit of a formatting issue for it, though. It's nothing that can't be figures out relatively quickly.

First, if you use A4 size paper, then just ignore everything and consider yourself one of the luckiest people on the face of the earth. For the rest of we puny mortals, A4 is more expensive than normal Letter size paper.

When you place everything on the page using Pepakura Designer, make sure the page set-up is for Letter size with 5mm side and top/bottom margins.

Go into the Pepakura Viewer for Silhouette and set it to A4 format to print.

Print it in A4 on normal Letter paper. If you print it in just Letter format, then you will lose your bottom Registration Marks and it won't cut.

Finally, "cut" it in Letter size.
GeekGuardianDee, @Danielle_J!NX

As per the conversation in the other thread:
I am going to dive into the asset pack from HALO 4 again and see if there is a palmer somewhere. Who knows, maybe if I find something one of the 3D modellers here, like Crimmson, will take pity on us and clean up the models for pepping.
I believe I saw a post from @Arcanine that she would make available the female armor. I tried but when I ripped them the armor got skewed.
Yep, there is quite a difference in the modelling. The Inner Plated forearm piece is much more slender than the male version.
I understand that at least GeekGuardianDee is looking for the female Scout models.

I have the same issue as Crimmson in that most of my models are unusable.
That being said, there were a few gems in the midst of all the unusable models.

One of those gems happened to be the female Scout forearms, along with about 9 other forearms.

Attached is a .obj containing all the forearms I found.

EDIT: Well, nevermind, I guess Arcanine already uploaded all the female assets.


    585.5 KB · Views: 480
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WandererTJ , @Arcanine uploaded the female model assets from halo 4 to the file archive just yesterday. Now I am waiting to see if the scout versions can be cleaned up by one of the more experienced modellers on the forums. Thanks for the effort.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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WandererTJ, Arcanine uploaded the female model assets from halo 4 to the file archive just yesterday. Now I am waiting to see if the scout versions can be cleaned up by one of the more experienced modellers on the forums. Thanks for the effort.
Yeah, I posted before reading, sorry.

Well, I just checked the archive to see how the models would compare, but I didn't see one titled Female "Scout" forearms, which is fair since i assume that they probably go under a different name. I'm not at my console at the moment to check which forearms they are though so I can compare them.
You said they needed to be cleaned up, so I wanted to check them.
Palmer uses the inner plated arms and outer plated legs.

I would link them but I am currently at the park with my daughter.

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Re: Research Materials

Thanks so much for the help, darn I wish I was online when you replied so I could've read this sooner, I'm searching through the Stuck threads right now and they help so much! And. I'll be sure to message you if I'm ever super confused
I posted a question to the Help! for fiberglassing thread , but haven't gotten a whole lot of feedback from there as of yet. I am posting it here as well in the hopes of getting some discussion going:

I wanted to pick the brains of the more experienced makers here, hopefully this comes across your feed. I am looking for confirmation of the construction materials I am planning on using for my build. Here is my current plan:

The plan is to use 1-2 layers of hardening resin on the pepakura skeleton, 1 layer of fiberglass on the inside,1 layer of Rondo (50%/50% Resin & Bondo slush) to smooth the inside, and Bondo on the outside for smoothing / sculpting.

Will these materials provide;
  • enough tensile strength to withstand pulling at connection points during removal and strenuous movement (ie. jumping, running, posing, etc.), and
  • enough compression strength to withstand strenuous movement and weight bearing (ie. carrying a toddler against the chest piece), and
  • enough impact resistance to prevent gouges (ie. from toddler attempting to stab my gear with a fork)?

I am trying to achieve a balance of strength to weight by using higher quality materials. Do the materials listed above fit the bill? Or am I better off to spend less money on materials, just go with more layers of S-cloth, and suck it up when its heavy?

Thanks for your input. [/URL]

P.S. I have put some time into trying to resolve this question myself, but have not come across any clear data tables listing the various strengths of fiberglass cloths while keeping all other variables stable. All data I have collected is directly related to the marine and automotive industry and does not exactly match the use and difficulties expected for cosplay armor. This is the information I have used to deduce that one layer of 7 oz. carbon-kevlar should have enough relative strength to 20 oz. e-glass, but still would like some confirmation.
I've used a lot of fiberglass and resin products. Structurally all the choices applied to Pepakura building are very strong and can withstand torture. When done correctly it will withstand harsh environments.

A large amount of fiberglass helmets and armor where used in the military often times lined with steel externally. Many motorcycle helmets from the past where as well. While it's not good safety wear it will be okay for cosplay.

My son's first helmet I made is Aqua Resin, chopped fiber and then fiberglass veil. We did several unintended drop test and it has withstood a10 ft drop. No cracks and we even twisted some chest plates and shields we made the same way. No cracks or breaks and my son is very aggressive on his armor.

The materials and tools available are all good, just in my opinion it's the technique. Knowing were to strategically lay fiber in key areas and identify your weakest points that need support is paramount for long term durability.

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GeekGuardianDee, would you mind sharing what you believe your mishap was with scaling the first set of forearms and how you plan on solving the issue going forward?

I haven't ever used any of those materials, so I can't answer how they would perform.
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GeekGuardianDee, would you mind sharing what you believe your mishap was with scaling the first set of forearms and how you plan on solving the issue going forward?

I believe the mishap you are referring to is the fact that I set the scale of the forearm piece quite diligently and still ended up with a piece that was too large.

What was the problem? - I measured the length of my arm from elbow to wrist and added extra length for the portion of the piece that extends past my elbow. I used that number to scale the piece (using the measure between points command in Pepakura Designer). I also measured the width of my hand when curled to its smallest (not in a fist, but curled like when you are putting a tight bracelet on) and checked the arm opening measurement (again in Pepakura Designer) to make sure I could fit my hand through. Once the piece was scaled based on these two measurements I did one last check of the 3D model to make sure it looked right proportionally.
When built the piece was the correct size along the lines of measurement I had put into the software. The width of the piece at the upper arm opening was too large for my arm.

Why did this problem occur? - This is an issue that has cropped up due to the 3D models in the game being made against a large, muscular, male figure. Because of this, all of the the pieces will be slightly too wide in the direction of the major muscle groups.

What is my solution? - Halo 4 does include game assets for the female models, which have been uploaded to the 405th database. These files are the raw game assets which need some TLC before being usable as pepakura pieces. The polygons need to be appropriately welded at the seams and the meshes need to be converted, as much as possible, to square rather than triangles (among other clean-up tasks). I have put a request in to one of the 3D modelers on the forums to see if they would be willing to take another crack at the female files and try to clean them up, but have yet to get a response. I will send a PM to see if anything is happening on that end and perhaps try to do what I can myself. I know that these female assets have a much truer geometry to the Sarah Palmer character and will fit my body (or any slender body type) much better.
Right now this issue is currently in stasis waiting on cleaned models, but that is my plan at this point.

In the meantime I have been focusing on gathering the materials for the fiber-glassing process and the cooling system prototype.

I am still working on that patterning tutorial, but it has been soooo hot here that filming under lights is just too much. I will have to wait for a cold, rainy day to finish up the last filming for that video.
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I believe the mishap you are referring to is the fact that I set the scale of the forearm piece quite diligently and still ended up with a piece that was too large.

What was the problem? - I measured the length of my arm from elbow to wrist and added extra length for the portion of the piece that extends past my elbow. I used that number to scale the piece (using the measure between points command in Pepakura Designer). I also measured the width of my hand when curled to its smallest (not in a fist, but curled like when you are putting a tight bracelet on) and checked the arm opening measurement (again in Pepakura Designer) to make sure I could fit my hand through. Once the piece was scaled based on these two measurements I did one last check of the 3D model to make sure it looked right proportionally.
When built the piece was the correct size along the lines of measurement I had put into the software. The width of the piece at the upper arm opening was too large for my arm.

Why did this problem occur? - This is an issue that has cropped up due to the 3D models in the game being made against a large, muscular, male figure. Because of this, all of the the pieces will be slightly too wide in the direction of the major muscle groups.

What is my solution? - Halo 4 does include game assets for the female models, which have been uploaded to the 405th database. These files are the raw game assets which need some TLC before being usable as pepakura pieces. The polygons need to be appropriately welded at the seams and the meshes need to be converted, as much as possible, to square rather than triangles (among other clean-up tasks). I have put a request in to one of the 3D modelers on the forums to see if they would be willing to take another crack at the female files and try to clean them up, but have yet to get a response. I will send a PM to see if anything is happening on that end and perhaps try to do what I can myself. I know that these female assets have a much truer geometry to the Sarah Palmer character and will fit my body (or any slender body type) much better.
Right now this issue is currently in stasis waiting on cleaned models, but that is my plan at this point.

In the meantime I have been focusing on gathering the materials for the fiber-glassing process and the cooling system prototype.

I am still working on that patterning tutorial, but it has been soooo hot here that filming under lights is just too much. I will have to wait for a cold, rainy day to finish up the last filming for that video.

Hey, I could take a crack at cleaning up the female models. You just want the scout variant, right? All the pieces? I might make a tutorial for basic clean up in blender, it's actually very very simple. At least at a basic level of just melding split meshes and converting tris to quads.
Hey, I could take a crack at cleaning up the female models. You just want the scout variant, right? All the pieces? I might make a tutorial for basic clean up in blender, it's actually very very simple. At least at a basic level of just melding split meshes and converting tris to quads.

I just sent a PM to Crimmson to see where they are at with those files. I don't want a whole bunch of people working on these at the same time and getting upset that their work was pointless. I will send you a PM when I hear back.

I think some of the modelers have tried their hands at the female models previously and had some problems, so we'll see how it goes.

Thank you, though, for the offer. I have been trying to teach myself blender in order to work on these files myself (I am a very independently minded person) and have viewed a couple of the tutorials on the 405th here. Unfortunately the Boolean function seems to be the bane of my existence, either not working at all or massacring the mesh entirely. If you do make a tutorial please do something that has a section for 'Troubleshooting Boolean functions' or 'Melding without having a Melt-down', 'cause that's what I need.
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Progress Notes

While I have been waiting on female scout pieces I have been keeping this project going with more work on planning, pepping the Scout Helmet, and purchasing the equipment required for fibreglassing.
HALO Scout 013.JPG

I have been conversing with the fibreglass shop in the local area, regarding cloth strengths and various combinations. It would appear that prototyping samples may have to be created in order to find what combination I will want to go with.

Tonight I will be picking up new respirator cartridges for my respirator, and a brand new one for my hubby; probably some coveralls too.

I got some IV tubing to make a mock-up cooling patch and when the rest of the equipment gets ordered I will get to do some testing.

So, in short, lots going on, but not a lot of super exciting photo ops.
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