First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

got the shoulders padded and i need to re-print the right vambrace, but other than that i just need to strap and paint the shoulders while i sand the vambraces and wait for the boot parts to print. might post pics tomorrow if i remember
Small update. Got a couple coats done on the shoulders, just need to weather them and then finish with the strapping. I also need to sand both vambraces and get them ready for painting, which i can do while i print the rest of the boot parts. unfortunately i have run out of printer food and will need 3 more spools to have 100% of the parts printed and the only work will be sanding and painting. I will post a pic of the shoulders tomorrow for sure this time, just because i have them padded and mostly painted. next update will most likely be the shoulders completely weathered and the vambraces mostly sanded.
Little update. tomorrow i will get the straps on the shoulders, i will get the first coat of filler primer on the vambraces, and i will start sanding the part of the boot i have printed. after the vambraces are sanded fully, i will dremel out the inside of the grapple shot to make sure it will fit over the right vambrace when it is finished. hopefully i will be able to do an upper body suit up to show how the shoulders and torso work together. i did a little test fit and i gotta say, it is lookin pretty good so far. very proud of what i have done so far.
hey i like the looks of this i did the grapple thing and the first con i went to they said it was a danger to the other guest because of the sharp point so just be ready for that, maybe some kind of magnet mount maybe so if you have to take it off you can just pop it off and put it in the room or car. but other than that i like this build the weathering is really good.
small update. just sanded the vambraces with 400 grit, used an air compressor to get the dust off, and hit it with another layer of filler primer. after that is done i can sand with 600 grit and then hit it with black paint. after a few coats of that i will tape up the black bits and then do the green. both of em should be done by the end of this weekend. hopefully.

I also started sanding the one part of the boot i have printed. i still need to get more printer food so i can print the vambrace inserts to smooth and paint those so i can attach them to the main vambrace piece. i will also print the rest of the boot parts.

i need approximately 3 rolls to finish the base suit. i might print more of the equipment later if i can find files for em.

the only items that are left to print are the front and top parts of each boot, the right heel, and the two vambrace inserts
Looking good mate. Got an off topic question though... Are u deliberately spelling arm braces as vambraces? I've just realised it's been consistent in all your posts.
i recommend you not using silk filament on the boots cuz they tend to break easier. go for gray pla+ instead
Got these to work well together. Still have to hit the vambraces with the silver paint weathering and print the insides of the vambraces, but after that the upper portion if the suit will be complete.

Still need to get more filament to print the rest of the boot parts though

Edit: dont mind that i put the shoulders on the wrong sides when putting them on the workbench lol
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just started to print the inserts so they should be done by lunch tomorrow. after i get home from school i will make sure they fit in the vambraces and if so, i can sand, paint, and then attach them to the rest of the vambrace. then i will do the final weathering touches on the vambraces and they will be complete.

I do plan on putting a few coats of clear coat on all the pieces, and maybe some clear vinyl, kinda like the stuff you would use in a cricut machine, on the high contact areas just so no paint comes off. i have seen Frankly Built use this on his MK39 Starboost Iron Man suit and it looks like a good idea.

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