Gralt hooked me up once again with another amazing file for the glove/ hand and finger armor, Its very awesome and very detailed. And while its may be a pain in the butt to assemble it is really worth it, they came out great I just finished both sets last night with 2mm craft resining and then painting Can't wait to receive the gloves in mail I ordered on amazon and attach them to those suckers

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Also I have had more time to practice my patience and have become better acquainted with my resining skills and painting skills for this project, at first I was having a lot of the trouble with the resin but I got that down pretty quickly. It was mostly the filler primer and paint that was giving me trouble. I was spraying to lightly and too far away, like I would with plasti-dip, so I looked at some tutorial videos and noticed everyone spraying like 6 to 8 inches away form the object instead of the suggested instructions on the back which stated 12 to 16 anyways I just finished my first successful piece last night and it is so smooth and shiny

Cant wait to finish the rest this weekend. So here is the Center abdominal pieces.
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