Higdog827's Masterchief Build (NOW COMPLETE!)

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Looks like your pepping is coming along nicely.
Your comments might be drying up just because you're at the pepping stage. There's only three comments to make about any sort of pep build:
1. Looks good. <<<(yours)
2. Looks warped.
3. Wrong size.
Once you move on to resin, fiberglass, bondo and everything else, the comments will come back online. :)

Well good news, I JUST got back from home depot and I now have my fiberglass resin and bondo! :D
I also picked up a pair of black gloves that I think look perfect for the costume!

Looks great!

I am really intrested to see how the biofoam canister turns out!
Keep it up!
Thanks! Im also looking forward to seeing how the biofoam turns out, Its a really cool prop!
Hey nice build so far but I don't wanna burst your bubble but... the handplates still seem a little too big to me. Measure from your knuckles to the beginning of your wrist. and scale it that way, thats how I did it. Good luck, man :)
Hey nice build so far but I don't wanna burst your bubble but... the handplates still seem a little too big to me. Measure from your knuckles to the beginning of your wrist. and scale it that way, thats how I did it. Good luck, man :)
Yeah, thats one of the older handplates that I did a while ago. Im going to have to redo those at some point, as well as the thigh and boot. But I think I have scalling down now, I should be ok.
Hey everyone, I have a question. You see, the frozen tundra is finally starting to melt up here in northeast Ohio, and suprisingly, its actually warm enough to fiberglass. Should I start glassing what I have done, or should I wait to glass untill all the pep work is done?
Hey everyone, I have a question. You see, the frozen tundra is finally starting to melt up here in northeast Ohio, and suprisingly, its actually warm enough to fiberglass. Should I start glassing what I have done, or should I wait to glass untill all the pep work is done?

Umm go glass what you have done and when its too cold to glass/bondo go inside and pep more pieces. That's what I do.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. If its warm enough tomorrow I think I'll start glassing. I have all my safety equipment and a pretty good idea of what im doing, so it shouldnt turn out too bad.
Well this sucks. Its raining, so I cant start glassing today! Oh well. However, I am going to use this inside time to pep the AR that Ive been planning on doing for a while now. Ill put up pics of my progress later, Im about halfway through the cutting process now. Talk to you later!
Well as promised, I have updates of my progress on my assault rifle! Im halfway done gluing, and I should finish it up tomorrow!


Looking pretty good so far, let me know what you think!
Alright everyone, my AR is almost done! its all pepped, but i still have to glue the grip onto the bottom. The reason I havent done this yet is because Im still working on wiring the flashlight I installed on the front. Here it is so far:



Ok, the wiring should get done tonight, but Im not sure if I'll have enough time. But before I go, I have a few questions. First off, I was at Home Depot AGAIN today (fifth time in two days! Not my fault, my parents are having horrible luck installing new doorknobs in my house) Anyway, I decided to scrap the Rondo and resin approach I was planning on doing and chose to do the fiberglass cloth and resin method. So I picked up 8 square feet of cloth. So I wanted to know if 8sq ft is enough to do the whole suit. Also, the cloth I got is 3M brand, but my resin is Bondo brand. Will this matter in any way?
Hope your enjoying it so far, hopefully I'll be able to finish the AR and post updates tonight, keep your fingers crossed!
No, the brands of cloth and resin should not matter. As long as the resin is the correct type, you mix it and apply it correctly, everything should work fine.

If your 8 square feet of cloth is the one that comes in a little package from the Home Depot, than no, this is not close to being enough for an entire suit. I used almost 4 of those packs of fiberglass cloth for my suit, with a little left over. That is just doing one layer of cloth, which should be enough. Some people will suggest you do more than one layer.
No, the brands of cloth and resin should not matter. As long as the resin is the correct type, you mix it and apply it correctly, everything should work fine.

If your 8 square feet of cloth is the one that comes in a little package from the Home Depot, than no, this is not close to being enough for an entire suit. I used almost 4 of those packs of fiberglass cloth for my suit, with a little left over. That is just doing one layer of cloth, which should be enough. Some people will suggest you do more than one layer.

Alright, thanks! And im also wondering, what is the difference between fiberglass mat and cloth? Because they had both, I just decided on cloth since thats what I remember Ithica had on his Noob list.
Alright, thanks! And im also wondering, what is the difference between fiberglass mat and cloth? Because they had both, I just decided on cloth since thats what I remember Ithica had on his Noob list.

Cloth has its fibers oriented in purposeful directions for structural strength, while the mat fibers are in random directions. They both have their uses and applications. I much prefer cloth for this type of project. Mat tends to follow sharp corners a bit better, and I would prefer it for things such as making female molds, but I think cloth works better in the application of Pepakura armor reinforcement. You made the right purchase.
man i remember when i built that ar like a year ago, if you havent already, pour resin into the ar without putting on the grip. then slush it around untill its all in there, in all crevices. once dried, do it again, but on the outside with a brush. then slush plastic in the inside, and attact the grip. sand, and paint. thats how i did mine. turned out nice.
man i remember when i built that ar like a year ago, if you havent already, pour resin into the ar without putting on the grip. then slush it around untill its all in there, in all crevices. once dried, do it again, but on the outside with a brush. then slush plastic in the inside, and attact the grip. sand, and paint. thats how i did mine. turned out nice.
Man, I wish I had enough money to do that! Sadly, I spent ALL my money on the resin and cloth, so I literally cant afford to waste any of my resin! :(

Now time for a...
Well Unfortunately, I wasnt able to get the wiring done tonight. However, I do have a few updates! Heres what I added:


FAILED DISPLAY (Made with lots of glue and a sharpie :D)

MUZZLE (Isnt that fun to say? MuuUuZZzzllLLe! :p)

Ok thats it for now, but I SWEAR I will get that stupid wiring done tomorrow! See ya!
Hey everyone, im very sorry I havent shown any progress on this build for so long. Ive been very busy with shcoolwork and easter and all that. But Ive still been working on the build, and Ive got a buttload of updates! Lets dig in.

First off, I finally got that wiring done, and its awesssssome! Sadly i dont have any pictures of it :( But what I did is I soldered one of the terminals in the flashlight to a wire and ran that through the AR to the back where the clip is and put in a 2 AA battery holder to power it. then I ran it back through the AR to the other terminal in the flashlight. heres an attempt at showing the circuit that I drew two minutes ago in MS paint (the greatest image editing software ever created by the way).


Ok, so if you understand wiring, this should kinda make sense to you.

So over spring break, I was able to finish the left and right thighs and tonight I finished the right boot. At first, I was planning on doing the HD boots and thighs, but Ive now decided to step down to the LD models because the detail that the LD is missing can easily be made up in the bondo stage, and putting those details in with pep just doesnt seem worth it to me. Heres a few pictures of the boot and thigh and my right leg




Also, any of you who regularly read Bungies weekly update
s, youd know about their Bungie allstars compitition thats been going on every week. You probably also know that last weeks category was home made armor! And the 405th even got featured on the update thats read by thousands of people! Im feeling were going to be getting a lot of new members with that kind of recognition! Anyway, I entered it, and heres the picture that I entered.

And now for a few things that arent nearly as important:

At easter I made a clay masterchief! :) I think hes pretty beast

Heres my little action figure buddy that keeps me company on long nights of pepping! I also use him for refrencing on the armor (he's very useful)

Alright, thats pretty much all for now, you can probably be expecting fairly regular updates from here on out.

Hey everyone, I made infantryman!!! See ya!
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