Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

First Name: Lee
Profession? Student?: Visual Effects Artist
Age: 46
Favorite Hobby: Too many to pick just one. 3d modeling, photography, race car driving, skydiving, reading . . .
Favorite part of Halo: "Wake me . . . when you need me."
Favorite Halo: Halo CE
Favorite Video Game: Arcade - Galaga, Darius Twin, Bad Dudes Console: How to pick a favorite game from Commodore 64, original NES, Super NES, GameCube, N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One???
Other Interests: Cooking, traveling, spending time with my son
Favorite Food: anything bad for me
Favorite Band: M83, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, 80's synth
Favorite Movie(s): Arrival, Dune (2022 & 1984), Interstellar, Tron, Tron Legacy, Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight
What do you hope to learn here?: Better build techniques - whether that's EVA foam or 3d printing
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes - an R2D2 for my son when he was little. PVC pipe and posterboard - photos attached
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Replica Prop Forum
That is such a cool project. Hope the Rugrat loved it.
First Name: Lee
Profession? Student?: Visual Effects Artist
Age: 46
Favorite Hobby: Too many to pick just one. 3d modeling, photography, race car driving, skydiving, reading . . .
Favorite part of Halo: "Wake me . . . when you need me."
Favorite Halo: Halo CE
Favorite Video Game: Arcade - Galaga, Darius Twin, Bad Dudes Console: How to pick a favorite game from Commodore 64, original NES, Super NES, GameCube, N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One???
Other Interests: Cooking, traveling, spending time with my son
Favorite Food: anything bad for me
Favorite Band: M83, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, 80's synth
Favorite Movie(s): Arrival, Dune (2022 & 1984), Interstellar, Tron, Tron Legacy, Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight
What do you hope to learn here?: Better build techniques - whether that's EVA foam or 3d printing
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes - an R2D2 for my son when he was little. PVC pipe and posterboard - photos attached
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Replica Prop Forum
OMG, that R2 is the coolest costume!!!
Hi :)

First Name: James (or Jimmy either works)
Profession? Student?: Retail:( / off time student
Favorite Hobby: Making things! (lego, 3d printing, painting, drawing)
Favorite part of Halo: The music! also Cortana's and Chief's interactions
Favorite Halo: depends on the day(I like pretty much all that I've played)
Favorite Video Game: Link between Worlds or Metroid Dread
Other Interests: Cooking, Star wars, old tech, HxH
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band: Ginger root
Favorite Movie(s): The last crusade, Bullet train, any star wars, Toy story 2
What do you hope to learn here?: I'm not great at body armor yet so either learning foam for that or more 3d printing knowledge
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes (recon armor wip, tobi mask, dc-17 blasters)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No
Other: I've been a long time halo fan, 4 was the first one I owned but I had played either 3 or reach previously, but I enjoy all that I've played(1-4, reach, odst, infinite, wars 1. I don't own an xbox one). since MCC came to steam I've been attempting to 100% it with varying success. (522/700 so far) I am part of the Midwest and would love to meet people at events in the future!

First Name:
- Cynthia

Profession? Student?:
- I recently moved to Washington from Florida.. before moving I was an auto claims adjuster for state farm

- next month I will be 36

Favorite Hobby:
- most likely video games are top

Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
- see... I'm new to it lol I never got into the game series but now I'm starting to

Favorite Video Game:
- Legend of Zelda has been my all time favorite game series dating all the way back to when I received my first game system that was my own at 8 years old.. it was a frosted blue Gameboy pocket that came with the OG Link's Awakening... I still have the Gameboy and the game cartridge with my very first save file on it

Other Interests:
- I enjoy reading, watching movies/tv, hiking, fishing, the performing arts, etc.

Favorite Food:
- how do you pick just one? I guess I'd never say no to some sushi? Lol

Favorite Band:
- there's no way to pick just one.. I'm not a fan of very much rap or country if that helps and I'll probably never say no to rock

Favorite Movie(s):
- hmmmm Star Wars, LOTR/Hobbit, Marvel, A Knight's Tale, and Princess Bride.. just to name a few

What do you hope to learn here?:
- everything I can!!!

Have you built/made a costume before?:
- I've been helping Pipninja in his shop

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
- no, but I've always been interested in the 501st

- not sure what to put here lol I'm pretty open so you can message me if you wanna know anything
Favorite Video Game: Link between Worlds or Metroid Dread

Favorite Video Game:
- Legend of Zelda has been my all time favorite game series dating all the way back to when I received my first game system that was my own at 8 years old.. it was a frosted blue Gameboy pocket that came with the OG Link's Awakening... I still have the Gameboy and the game cartridge with my very first save file on it

First, welcome aboard to both of you! Can't wait to see whatever kinds of projects you decide to work on!

Second, I'm noticing a somewhat large amount of Zelda fans here on the forums and I just thought that was funny and wanted to point it out. Maybe it's something to do with both franchises having a courageous main character that wears green? Who knows! ;)
First, welcome aboard to both of you! Can't wait to see whatever kinds of projects you decide to work on!

Second, I'm noticing a somewhat large amount of Zelda fans here on the forums and I just thought that was funny and wanted to point it out. Maybe it's something to do with both franchises having a courageous main character that wears green? Who knows! ;)
Lol that's funny.. I'm going to be working with PapaBear71 next month on a marathon magnum prop
First Name: Daniele
Profession? Student?: I work in airplane construction factory and I'm studying to become a commercial pilot
Favorite Hobby: fly
Favorite part of Halo: story
Favorite Halo: halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: squad
Other Interests: I enjoi ride my motorcycle
Favorite Food: polenta and pizza
Favorite Band: sabaton
Favorite Movie(s): the lord of the ring and star wars
What do you hope to learn here?: advice, i'm new in this world
Have you built/made a costume before?: no, only painting warhammer models
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: I love ODST armor, so my first project will be this
Hello everyone, excited to be a part of the 405th!

First Name: Christian
Profession: 3D Artist/Generalist
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: aside from gaming, building costumes
Favorite part of Halo: The world building. The novels take it way further than the games alone.
Favorite Halo: Of all the Halo games, I have to give it to Halo 3, followed closely by Infinite
Favorite Video Game: Halo Series, Witcher series
Other Interests: Star Wars, Tolkien, fantasy series
Favorite Food: pasta is always a safe bet.
Favorite Band: Toss up between Green Day and My Chemical Romance
Favorite Movie(s): the Star Wars franchise and Lord of the Rings
What do you hope to learn here?: I’ve built many different costumes before, but Halo seems much more conducive to foam, which is a skill I don’t use much.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I’ve made many costumes! Everything from sewing to 3D printing and vac-forming.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I belong to the 501St costume club, and some smaller groups.
Other: like our dear Superintendent says: Keep it clean! Don’t be toxic when it’s easier to be nice

First Name: Shawn

Profession: Security Guard

Age: 27

Favorite Hobby: Currently, building and painting Warhammer Minis

Favorite part of Halo: The Characters

Favorite Halo: ODST

Favorite Video Game(s): Fallout: New Vegas, Final Fantasy XIV, The Fodlan Fire Emblem Games

Other Interests: Reading, discussing media

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Band: Sabaton

Favorite Movie(s): The Empire Strikes Back, The Prestige, The Lord of the Rings

What do you hope to learn here?: 3D Printing, CAD, Costume Construction

Have you built/made a costume before?: Built? no, Put together from already made clothing items, yes.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no

Other: ODSTs are peak
First Name: Lee
Profession? Student?: Visual Effects Artist
Age: 46
Favorite Hobby: Too many to pick just one. 3d modeling, photography, race car driving, skydiving, reading . . .
Favorite part of Halo: "Wake me . . . when you need me."
Favorite Halo: Halo CE
Favorite Video Game: Arcade - Galaga, Darius Twin, Bad Dudes Console: How to pick a favorite game from Commodore 64, original NES, Super NES, GameCube, N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One???
Other Interests: Cooking, traveling, spending time with my son
Favorite Food: anything bad for me
Favorite Band: M83, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, 80's synth
Favorite Movie(s): Arrival, Dune (2022 & 1984), Interstellar, Tron, Tron Legacy, Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight
What do you hope to learn here?: Better build techniques - whether that's EVA foam or 3d printing
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes - an R2D2 for my son when he was little. PVC pipe and posterboard - photos attached
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Replica Prop Forum
impressive most impressive but really welcome to the 405th
Hello everyone, excited to be a part of the 405th!

First Name: Christian
Profession: 3D Artist/Generalist
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: aside from gaming, building costumes
Favorite part of Halo: The world building. The novels take it way further than the games alone.
Favorite Halo: Of all the Halo games, I have to give it to Halo 3, followed closely by Infinite
Favorite Video Game: Halo Series, Witcher series
Other Interests: Star Wars, Tolkien, fantasy series
Favorite Food: pasta is always a safe bet.
Favorite Band: Toss up between Green Day and My Chemical Romance
Favorite Movie(s): the Star Wars franchise and Lord of the Rings
What do you hope to learn here?: I’ve built many different costumes before, but Halo seems much more conducive to foam, which is a skill I don’t use much.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I’ve made many costumes! Everything from sewing to 3D printing and vac-forming.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I belong to the 501St costume club, and some smaller groups.
Other: like our dear Superintendent says: Keep it clean! Don’t be toxic when it’s easier to be nice
we are glad your here cant wait to see what ever armor you make, welcome to 405th

First Name: Shawn

Profession: Security Guard

Age: 27

Favorite Hobby: Currently, building and painting Warhammer Minis

Favorite part of Halo: The Characters

Favorite Halo: ODST

Favorite Video Game(s): Fallout: New Vegas, Final Fantasy XIV, The Fodlan Fire Emblem Games

Other Interests: Reading, discussing media

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Band: Sabaton

Favorite Movie(s): The Empire Strikes Back, The Prestige, The Lord of the Rings

What do you hope to learn here?: 3D Printing, CAD, Costume Construction

Have you built/made a costume before?: Built? no, Put together from already made clothing items, yes.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no

Other: ODSTs are peak
well first welcome to the 405th, glad your have made the jump into this armor building world its a great way to relax or to get your mind off thing so i will be watching to see what you decide to build. Again welcome
First Name: Philippe
Profession? Movie Editor
Age: 44
Favorite Hobby: Gaming and Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: The visual of the armors
Favorite Halo: The original Halo (played way to much)
Favorite Video Game: Ocarina of Time
Other Interests: Movies, TV series, Drawings
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie(s): Interstellar
What do you hope to learn here?: I have learnt a lot since. Never registered before but I have been reading on and off since 2009 here.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I started cosplaying in 2002. Made a Master Chief cosplay in 2009 (sold it since then)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Joined the 501st back in 2002 but been inactive for years now.
Other: My most recent cosplay was a Buzz Lightyear. My next project is Jun from Halo Reach.


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First Name: Philippe
Profession? Movie Editor
Age: 44
Favorite Hobby: Gaming and Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: The visual of the armors
Favorite Halo: The original Halo (played way to much)
Favorite Video Game: Ocarina of Time
Other Interests: Movies, TV series, Drawings
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie(s): Interstellar
What do you hope to learn here?: I have learnt a lot since. Never registered before but I have been reading on and off since 2009 here.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I started cosplaying in 2002. Made a Master Chief cosplay in 2009 (sold it since then)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Joined the 501st back in 2002 but been inactive for years now.
Other: My most recent cosplay was a Buzz Lightyear. My next project is Jun from Halo Reach.
welcome to the 405th, glad your here
First Name: Francois

Profession: Public Transit

Age: 31

Favorite Hobby: Motorcycle

Favorite part of Halo: Pillar of Autumn take-off

Favorite Halo: Reach/ODST

Favorite Video Game:

Other Interests:
Scuba diving, WW2 Reenacting

Favorite Food: Poutine

Favorite Band: Linkin Park

Favorite Movie(s): Lion King (original)

What do you hope to learn here?: properly 3D printing Armor

Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes but never completed it

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Stargate prop making
First Name: Francois

Profession: Public Transit

Age: 31

Favorite Hobby: Motorcycle

Favorite part of Halo: Pillar of Autumn take-off

Favorite Halo: Reach/ODST

Favorite Video Game:

Other Interests:
Scuba diving, WW2 Reenacting

Favorite Food: Poutine

Favorite Band: Linkin Park

Favorite Movie(s): Lion King (original)

What do you hope to learn here?: properly 3D printing Armor

Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes but never completed it

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Stargate prop making
welcome to the 405th glad your here
Considering I've been here for like 2 years (really just active on the Discord though), I probably should've done one of these sooner, but well anyways!

First Name: JJ
Profession? Student?: Student, currently working in family business (Jewellers)
Age: 16 (17 on Halloween)
Favorite Hobby: Powerlifting
Favorite part of Halo: The incomparable story
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Arma III
Other Interests: Cosplay, Warhammer 40k, model painting
Favorite Food: A good steak
Favorite Band: AC/DC
Favorite Movie(s): Couldn't choose just one, the Halo 4 movie would be the best Halo movie/show in my opinion.
What do you hope to learn here?: New ways and techniques to make cosplays
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, some here might remember I made an Andrew DFT ODST in 2020
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No others yet!
Other: I grew up watching the Halo 2 Anniversary game clips on Youtube, I was immediately enamoured. My first Halo was CE and then Reach
Considering I've been here for like 2 years (really just active on the Discord though), I probably should've done one of these sooner, but well anyways!

First Name: JJ
Profession? Student?: Student, currently working in family business (Jewellers)
Age: 16 (17 on Halloween)
Favorite Hobby: Powerlifting
Favorite part of Halo: The incomparable story
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Arma III
Other Interests: Cosplay, Warhammer 40k, model painting
Favorite Food: A good steak
Favorite Band: AC/DC
Favorite Movie(s): Couldn't choose just one, the Halo 4 movie would be the best Halo movie/show in my opinion.
What do you hope to learn here?: New ways and techniques to make cosplays
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, some here might remember I made an Andrew DFT ODST in 2020
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No others yet!
Other: I grew up watching the Halo 2 Anniversary game clips on Youtube, I was immediately enamoured. My first Halo was CE and then Reach
Welcome to the 405th glad to have ya
First Name: David

Profession?: Fulltime making office furniture, part time grocery store hardware specialist.

Age: 23

Favorite Hobby: 1920s British model railroads
Favorite part of Halo: Playing Halo CE on pc LAN with my brother and step dad back in the late 2000s.

Favorite Halo: CE

Favorite Video Game: Besides Halo, Star wars battlefront 2, both old and new versions.

Other Interests: Antique cars and tractors.

Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese

Favorite Band: Wice, Donbor, John Carpenter.

Favorite Movie(s): Revenge of the Sith, Halloween, Christine.

What do you hope to learn here?: Would really like to know how to properly use 3d printing software and how to achieve high detail with EVA foam.

Have you built/made a costume before?: I've done a fair amount of painting, weathering, and electrical for lights, but never properly built a costume itself.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: None. Dont have any friends that cosplay, and I've never runinto a fellow halo cosplayer either so I've been lone wolf.

Other: Am I the only one who thought the colored orb inside Halo CE power ups looked really delicious as a kid?

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