First Name: James (or Jimmy either works)
Profession? Student?: Retail

/ off time student
Favorite Hobby: Making things! (lego, 3d printing, painting, drawing)
Favorite part of Halo: The music! also Cortana's and Chief's interactions
Favorite Halo: depends on the day(I like pretty much all that I've played)
Favorite Video Game: Link between Worlds or Metroid Dread
Other Interests: Cooking, Star wars, old tech, HxH
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band: Ginger root
Favorite Movie(s): The last crusade, Bullet train, any star wars, Toy story 2
What do you hope to learn here?: I'm not great at body armor yet so either learning foam for that or more 3d printing knowledge
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes (recon armor wip, tobi mask, dc-17 blasters)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No
Other: I've been a long time halo fan, 4 was the first one I owned but I had played either 3 or reach previously, but I enjoy all that I've played(1-4, reach, odst, infinite, wars 1. I don't own an xbox one). since MCC came to steam I've been attempting to 100% it with varying success. (522/700 so far) I am part of the Midwest and would love to meet people at events in the future!