Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!
First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!
First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
Hey, how's everyone doing

I don't usually like to participate in things and I usually sit back from afar but I feel comfortable enough to join this family. so lets get into it!
First Name: Michael aka NoLifeStack
Profession? Student?: Currently a Canadian Student going to school in Kentucky!
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: College football, Building PC's, and Scuba diving
Favorite part of Halo: Everything but if I had to pick it would be Emile-A239 skull helmet
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 where my journey started
Favorite Video Game: Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 3
Other Interests: 3d printing, jailbreaking iPhones, spending time outdoors in nature
Favorite Food: Perogies and cabbage rolls
Favorite Band: Eminem, Mac Miller and Metallica
Favorite Movie(s): these are old movies but are bangers: the original Omega man and Showtime
What do you hope to learn?: I came here with one task and one task only, learn how to design and make my own full scale master suit/props using a 3d printer
Have you built/made a costume before?: I have never made anything like this before but people in this community such as Mr. Sizzlac have been very helpful enough to guide me through the process of making my own Halo costume!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I am not part of any community except this amazing one
Other: Currently I am already level 100 battle pass and Diamond 6 ranked in Halo Infinite! also I'm always down to meet new people and learn new things, you could find me here or on twitch and YouTube NoLifeStack