Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

Hi! Im new here so im going to give this a shot!
First Name: Addie
Profession? Student?: Im curently doing an art course hoping to pursue animation as a career
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: My favourite has to be gaming no matter what era but I love retro games specifically old Nintendo games
Favorite part of Halo: The atmosphere through the music and colour make the series so immersive
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite Video Game: Hard to pick lmao!
Other Interests: Art, Animation, rowing and I enjoy cycling
Favorite Food:
Spaghetti carbonara
Favorite Movie(s): Spirited Away, Into the spider verse, The lord of the rings
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to pick up skills with foam and practice making cosplay, I really wanna make cosplay of Chief and an ODST in particular
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Last summer i tried to make a Samus Aran Cosplay! I got the armour made but not finished with paint, I didn't finish it due to important exams and it fell apart due to my beginner mistakes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? Nope
Hi! Im new here so im going to give this a shot!
First Name: Addie
Profession? Student?: Im curently doing an art course hoping to pursue animation as a career
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: My favourite has to be gaming no matter what era but I love retro games specifically old Nintendo games
Favorite part of Halo: The atmosphere through the music and colour make the series so immersive
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite Video Game: Hard to pick lmao!
Other Interests: Art, Animation, rowing and I enjoy cycling
Favorite Food:
Spaghetti carbonara
Favorite Movie(s): Spirited Away, Into the spider verse, The lord of the rings
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to pick up skills with foam and practice making cosplay, I really wanna make cosplay of Chief and an ODST in particular
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Last summer i tried to make a Samus Aran Cosplay! I got the armour made but not finished with paint, I didn't finish it due to important exams and it fell apart due to my beginner mistakes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? Nope
Welcome to the party
First Name: Zach
Profession? Student?: I'm a costume designer by degree
Favorite Hobby: gaming hiking costumes
Favorite part of Halo: universe building
Favorite Halo: reach/ ce
Favorite Video Game: hard to choose space marine 2 atm
Best video game consoles. I'm an Xbox guy but had several

Other Interests:
Favorite Food:chinese
Favorite Band: assorted
Favorite Movie(s): star wars pre sequel
What do you hope to learn here?: ins and ours for the gend of mjloinir armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:formerly belonged to the mandalorian mercenaries as well as the dark empire under lucasfilm and.disney
First Name: Lachy, but online I go by cyne. (pronounced sign)
Profession: Business And Logistics Manager, Kitchen Supervisor, Graphic and Logo Designer, Freelance Car Photographer
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: At the moment photography.
Favorite part of Halo: The music is top notch, but I'm into the game because of the lore and the religious messaging.
Favorite Halo: Halo 2. Peak music, peak storytelling, iconic lines, fun campaign.
Favorite Video Games:
  1. Halo 2 (then the rest of the franchise, but that would be boring)
  2. Subnautica
  3. Rocket League
  4. Helldivers 2
  5. Detroit Become Human

Other Interests: Logo design, graphic design, clothing design, sneaker collecting, Halo MCX figure collecting... etc.
Favorite Artists:
  1. Gunship
  2. King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard
  3. Logic
  4. glaive

Favorite Movies:
  1. Soul
  2. Across the Spiderverse
  3. Into the Spiderverse
  4. The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
  5. Ready Player One
What do you hope to learn here?: Some costuming tips and guides; I'm mainly here for the community.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I mean I guess? I made a cool ass lumberjack werewolf costume for a school play.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope.
Other: Sorry about the lists; you just can't ask me for my favorites without giving context of my other tops.
Rocket League sweat, also used to be Onyx in Halo 5 SWAT (I would sweat the hell out of Infinites SWAT ranked, but OCE servers are ghost towns).
Even though I enjoy being extremely competitive and taking my gaming to the best level, I also really love the casual custom games side of Halo. Some of the most fun nights I've ever had.
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First Name: Masato, but you can call me vv, or vbud.
Profession? Student?: I do IT and I also teach Yin and Hatha Yoga.
Age: Late 20s early 30s.
Favorite Hobby: Ham Radio, and my Saxophone.
Favorite part of Halo: This is hard. First thought, When Carter takes down the Scarab, then Grunt Birthday party, Black Eye Skull, Teaching your coop partner how to get "free" ammunition.
Favorite Halo: ODST.
Favorite Video Game: Rimworld.
Other Interests: Ham Radio, Linux, Painting, making music, Jazz, Voice Over
Favorite Artist: Tatsuro Yamashita, Masayoshi Tanaka,
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to make friends mostly. IRL Friends, maybe play games with or hang in person, D&D.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Never. I made a really really good tin can shield. Caused me a scar when my friend shield bashed me. Lots of blood, still really proud.:D

Howdy all, I'm vvbudh. Vbud for short. Your virtual buddy! I found y'all at a pride festival and thought this organization was the coolest thing ever. I've never done any cosplay. I mostly play paintball or milsim video games like Arma or Squad, Foxhole. Thought this organization would be better than my online one because I ACTUALLY get to meet people IRL. I'm also a Ham Radio operator, I know Morse code and that would be really cool to play around with while RPing in the field. I also host D&D games, been wanting to get into Battletech after being disillusioned with Games Workshop. I paint with oils, play jazz saxophone and bass, and can guide you through meditation while troubleshooting X11 issues on Arch Linux.

I like to think I'm a good buy. You wanna' pick me up?
First name: Olivia
Age: 34
Profession: Caregiver, JCC - Jewish Community Center; Front desk/maintenance
Favorite Hobbie(s): Ice skating/rollerblading, skateboarding, & video games
Favorite game series: Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Tony hawk pro skater, Halo
Favorite Halo: CE {literally got my first job to get this game and console @ age 11 laying tile w/stepdad}
Favorite part(s) of Halo:
[I know don't need spoilers just testing]

the maw warhog run

Master Chief : Sir, request permission to leave the station. Lord Hood : For what purpose, Master Chief? Master Chief : To give the Covenant back their bomb.

Blow me Away - Breaking Benjamin in the end Gravemind mission in Halo 2 classic graphics

Favorite Easter egg:
Reach Dance party
Favorite Movie(s); The Terminator, T2, anything Studio Ghibli, Ghost in the Shell, Jurassic Park trilogy, any Rocky movies, lord of the rings trilogy, back to the future trilogy, underworld 1&2, They Live, Halloween 1|2 John Carpenter, alien and aliens, Predator 1|2, I Tonya, the cutting edge, Star wars Original trilogy and prequel (with duel of the fates being the best lightsaber fight imo), Star Trek a voyage home and first contact. :)
Have you built/made a costume before: No
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No, but interested in other media game/movie/anine groups that have similar guidelines and support like this group.

I really look forward seeing every armor throughout the years to come to life. So many times I almost started and as of today, I finally start my cosplay journey I look forward to gaining the knowledge of how how to finally make Spartan armor. Only been wanting to do this since I was 11. m^~^m
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I just did a small post because I didn't see this to introduce myself but I figure I can reply to this
First Name: Holly
Profession: Ophthalmic Technician (I work for a retina specialist)
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: I enjoy video games and ttrpg. I also go through phases where I can't put down a book. Obviously if I'm here I must like cosplay a lot too.
Favorite part of Halo: We have a tradition of "Haloween" where we try to play through as many of the games as we can while leading up to Halloween.
Favorite Halo: That is a hard one, I love the first one a lot but Reach has a special nostalgia to it for my husband and me because it was what we played the most together when we first started dating back in high school.
Favorite Video Game: Please don't do this to me.
Other Interests: I like space in a casual way. I also enjoy cooking and baking depending on the season.
Favorite Food: Italian Food or Mexican food, also steak and potatoes
Favorite Band: Again, please don't do this to me, it depends on my day.
Favorite Movie(s): The Mummy, Xmen movies, Star Wars before Disney took over, Harry Potter, the entirety of The Conjuring universe and other horror movies
What do you hope to learn here?: I am hoping to get some tips on how to improve our future armor sets or different building techniques as well as how to be more involved in the community that goes to conventions.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I assisted in the builds we used for dragoncon this year, my husband did all the printing, I helped sand, oh my god there was so much sanding. I have also helped create/alter cosplays for other genres before.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I have been part of the borderlands at dragoncon group but have been less active in it recently. We also went to a meetup for mortal kombat for a couple of years. However none of the groups have been this big or organized in this way, usually its facebook groups.
Other: I guess I am just a little nervous being new to this, but everyone I have encountered so far has been nice and helpful. I can attach one of the good shots we got of my armor this year.
That armor is very cool, it makes me excited to have mine done eventually.
Hi everyone, just getting my start and getting comfortable with the site. I've never joined a forum like this, so if I'm slow to reply, bear with me. I look forward to meeting y'all and here is my introduction!

First Name: Jack, but I'd prefer to just be referred to by my user.

Profession? Student?: Current Student, but working freelance as a camera operator, gaffer, and grip. I also do 3D hard surface art, specifically props and weapons.

Age: 24.

Favorite Hobby: I love going out to the range and shooting steel, hiking, and some vidya

Favorite part of Halo: Playing with my friends, the weapon design, the armor, there's just so much good and I love the universe that's been created.

Favorite Halo: I can't pick between Halo 2, 3, ODST, or Reach. Those are my favorites to return to and naturally CE will always have a special place in my heart.

Favorite Video Game: Escape from Tarkove (SPT), Call of Duty, Hunt: Showdown, and Baldurs Gate have been my most recent favs.

Other Interests: I'm trying to get better at cooking?

Favorite Food: Japanese BBQ and a beer.

Favorite Band: From punk to sea shanties to country, I listen to it all. All-time favs would be Mom Jeans and Modern Baseball.

Favorite Movie(s): Hardcore Henry, Nobody, 13 Hours, John Wick.

What do you hope to learn here?: I've already been lurking and picking up info as I go, but anything and everything, especially regarding post-production on created props and armor.

Have you built/made a costume before?: Yep, but they were all scary halloween costumes mainly, and usually pretty ramshackle. As I've grown up and got some adult money I invested in a printer, I'm currently building ODST armor based off Galactic Armories files! I'm so excited lmao. it's a childhood dream of mine.
Baldurs gate is great! Also mom jeans and modern baseball are cool choices! I have been partial to K BBQ myself but I like Soju more than beer.
First Name: Phil
Profession? Student?: Sr Linux Administrator for way too long
Age: 51
Favorite Hobby: CAD/3D printing, cosplay, sewing
Favorite part of Halo: Vehicle and armor designs
Favorite Halo: N/A
Favorite Video Game: Game?? What's that? I don't any any free time for that
Other Interests: Carpentry, SFX makeup
Favorite Food: Mat
Favorite Band: Galactikraken
Favorite Movie(s): Riddick series
What do you hope to learn here?: Build ideas
Have you built/made a costume before?: Not from HALO (current build in progress), usually get drafted to help the wife with her costumes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Other: Seems I've been a member here since about 2011 and had pretty much forgotten that part of my life.

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Right there with you. I made my account some time ago, but I only became more involved recently. I look forward to seeing any builds you start!
First Name: Tali
Profession? Student?: Former Machinist, current Network Sorcerer.
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Sculpting and cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: Fun characters, Deep lore, and those dang grunts.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: *ERROR* need more specific parameters
Other Interests: Overeingieering cosplay
Favorite Food: Shellfish
Favorite Band: SRV and Double Trouble
Favorite Movie(s): The Blues Brothers.
What do you hope to learn here?: More Halo lore and build ideas.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Not from HALO (current build in progress), Multiple from other genres best being Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Other: Rawr ^.=.^
I gotta ask what is a network sorcerer lol welcome!
Hey. Creating an account here in prep for FanX in Salt Lake City in a couple weeks.

First Name: Spencer
Profession: Network Operations
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: Volleyball. Either that or compulsive sleep, courtesy of Narcolepsy. Literally "Wake me when you need me."
Favorite part of Halo: Chief
Favorite Halo: CE
Favorite Video Game: Retro? Super Mario 64. Modern? Destiny.
Other Interests: Music production, Networks & Homelab, Cybersecurity, most anything Nintendo
Favorite Food: Does Mountain Dew count? ( ;-; )
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favorite Movie(s): Not really a movie aficionado, but certainly an ailing weeb.
What do you hope to learn here?: How to look like a total bad@$$, like our boi John Halo.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Just a helmet prop, imitating Daft Punk's Thomas Bangalter.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? Nope!

Other: Probably going to lurk 95% of the time, pun fully intended "asking's not my strong suit." I don't spend a ton of time active online but met a few of the 405th at the HCS Major in Salt Lake City and thought they were a cool crew. Looking forward to seeing what I can put together, hope we can get along.
Welcome! lurking is a full time job for me on discord so I feel that ha. Hope you enjoy FanX!
Right there with you. I made my account some time ago, but I only became more involved recently. I look forward to seeing any builds you start!
I've got two sets of armor in process being printed, but I took a break from that to do a couple rifles instead. I've got one test article done, and the next one is printing.

This one is 'rough prototype' stage, so I could figure out how it all went together and where the gotcha points are. (Galactic Armory files)
And of course, the other half (Tali) wants a sniper rifle instead... so that's next on the list. I just needed something tangible to feel like I'm making progress, as I'm having a headache trying to figure out how to put the armor together in such a way that it looks right and doesn't have straps showing everywhere.

Would have been so much easier if I'd done ODST armor.
I've got two sets of armor in process being printed, but I took a break from that to do a couple rifles instead. I've got one test article done, and the next one is printing.
View attachment 353290
This one is 'rough prototype' stage, so I could figure out how it all went together and where the gotcha points are. (Galactic Armory files)
And of course, the other half (Tali) wants a sniper rifle instead... so that's next on the list. I just needed something tangible to feel like I'm making progress, as I'm having a headache trying to figure out how to put the armor together in such a way that it looks right and doesn't have straps showing everywhere.

Would have been so much easier if I'd done ODST armor.
It looks good so far! I have been dealing with a similar issue with my armor goals. I liked using the armorsmith program to figure out how I would size the pieces of the armor, but I lack a printer, materials and experience with the actual crafting portion. I think in a way though it makes the final product even more satisfying. ODST armor is cool too, but I have always been on the 'need my own spartan armor' train haha. I have put the armor build portion on hold for now though until I can figure out my other situations I got going on.
First Name: Rain/PrecipatoryGamer/Ramnray2
Profession? Student?: Property Management
Age: 28
Favorite Hobby: D&D and other tabletop games
Favorite part of Halo: The community and that has been the case since I was a young kid in Halo 3 online.
Favorite Halo: ODST or Reach
Favorite Video Game: Kingdom Hearts
Other Interests: I love gaming with friends, TTRPGs, voice acting, and cosplaying.
Favorite Food: a good chicken cord n’bleu
Favorite Band: Woodkid
Favorite Movie(s): Spiderman:Across the Spiderverse and Jurassic Park
What do you hope to learn here?: how to build some kick ass armor.
Have you built/made a costume before?: only partially
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Yes. I cosplay for Hellaverse (Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel) and with Critters (Critical Role)
Other: I am just stoked to finally be cosplaying and oart of this community. I have admired it since I saw it when I was only 13 or 15 and I finally feel like I am in a spot in life where I can make this happen.
First Name: Garrett
Profession? Student?: GT&O Server Data Center Management
Age: 28
Favorite Hobby: Cars
Favorite part of Halo: Community/Social gathering at card shops, local LANs
Favorite Halo: Halo 2/4
Favorite Video Game: Halo/World of Warcraft
Other Interests: Tabletop RPG
Favorite Food: Anything smoked
Favorite Band: Breakk.Away/Oliver Anthony
Favorite Movie(s): Iron Giant
What do you hope to learn here?: Events local to me, intro to start armor production.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Scarborough Ren faire years ago
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: N/A
First Name: Owen
Profession?: LEGO Group Member Student?:
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Video Production
Favorite part of Halo: The score
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: KID A MNESIAC
Other Interests: Airsoft, bass guitar, Lego, etc
Favorite Food: Smoked Brisket
Favorite Band: The National
Favorite Movie(s): Baby Driver, Zoolander, Mistaken For Strangers
What do you hope to learn here?: How on earth foam smithing is done
Have you built/made a costume before?: I made a pyro cosplay based of TF2 a long time ago and as of writing just finished my Red Hood costume
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
Other: Narp
First Name: Vincent
Profession? Student?: Mechanical Engineer at a Chemistry/Biology Equipment manufacturer (I design stuff, I make stuff, lots of 3D printing)
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Video Games/hanging out with friends/family
Favorite part of Halo: the beginning and end cinematics of reach
Favorite Halo: Reach, it was my first one and I have so many memories playing the campaign/forge with my friends
Favorite Video Game: I can't necessarily pin down one game because I jump from game to game a lot but Portal 2, Risk of Rain 2 and Fortnite are high on my list right now.
Other Interests: Reading, the outdoors, cooking, and making stuff.
Favorite Food: A really good Rueben
Favorite Band: Kansas and ELO
Favorite Movie(s): How to Train Your Dragon 2, (Does the end of Attack on Titan count as a movie?)
What do you hope to learn here?: Throughout college and life I've engineered and made a lot of cool stuff that did cool things but looks and the artistic side was never really a high priority. I am hoping to enhance my passion for making stuff with the techniques and artistic style of making Halo Cosplay.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Does me slapping squares of cardstock onto cardboard to be a Rubik's cube for Halloween when I was 12 count? Otherwise, no
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope
First Name: Zach
Profession? Student?: I'm a costume designer by degree
Favorite Hobby: gaming hiking costumes
Favorite part of Halo: universe building
Favorite Halo: reach/ ce
Favorite Video Game: hard to choose space marine 2 atm
Best video game consoles. I'm an Xbox guy but had several

Other Interests:
Favorite Food:chinese
Favorite Band: assorted
Favorite Movie(s): star wars pre sequel
What do you hope to learn here?: ins and ours for the gend of mjloinir armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: yes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:formerly belonged to the mandalorian mercenaries as well as the dark empire under lucasfilm and.disney
Hello Zach, Welcome to the 405th i want to say with that degree i really cant wait to see what you come up with so welcome to the family

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