THE UNSC 405TH INFANTRY (Halo's 501st like fan club)!!!!!!!!

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drgon47 said:
I guess we could do something like,

If you registered here before you went to join the 405th, then you would use the number you were assigned here, by what number user you were. And when you signed up on the 405th we would log that number to your user and put on a not available list.

And if you joined straight from the 405th site, then we would assign you a number that has not been taken.

Other ideas ?
That idea sounds pretty much on the ball.
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I'd like to help Admin or be a mod. I'm 100% joining, though. I'll help for anything, just ask.
Or, we could make the name slightly more distinct from the Star Wars legion so no one gets confused.. and they don't think we're stealing their thunder.

I'd be interested in this if it comes together, but I just wanted to toss that idea out there.
A good name for it would be:
405th UNSC Infantry Division
Doesn't sound distinctly 501st.
the 405th was the 1st group of marines that made the 1st contact with the elites and most died and the rest joined up with master chief
great more to add to my plate :mrgreen: :roll: ..........i just do alot of research :mrgreen:
OK guys. Im trying to find a good website layout. After visiting the 501st website, I kinda felt cramped with the images and options on either side of the news colum in the center...

There was a website layout I really liked, but I have yet to see it again.

I need to know who likes that layout at all, or post webiste layouts that you think would work.
Link, I'll help you out. Give me tasks and I'll do em...I'm playing hooky from the real work I'm supposed to be doing anyways ;-)
looks kool....change the kolors to camo or OD green miltary kolors with some rust maybe would look better

darkesword i'll take up on your offer, seems that you know about the SW 501st thing.....get the list of rules to join, i guess more info on what to put on the site :mrgreen:
Thats what I was thinking about. But I really liked the nice wide news colum, and the nav bar on the left. It had the site logo at the top and a nice clean login section on the right of the news colum.
FAII3N ANG3I said:
name ?: United Nations Space Command (UNSC)

...wth was that!? o_O spamming much... anywho the idea is good but i still dont think it could beat the 501st Legion group :D
even if we do out number them. its starwars anyway.
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