THE UNSC 405TH INFANTRY (Halo's 501st like fan club)!!!!!!!!

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ah hell.....

i feel really really dumb. im going to see if there is a way to change that =/
could we please make it a 16 year old limit, that is the whole reason im doing this instead of the 501st, as for other puposes, again as i said before it would help us younger ones with community service 16-20, plus we can have info on halo which would help others understand deaply. Adam I would really like to be in the Admin, and help, i don't just want to be another member. oh and for the name, i think is fine
That, is something I am in agreement with. Most of the users on our forum said they disliked that you had to be 18 to join and that is why many of them lost interest in the 501st.

Now is your chance to grab their interest. ;-) ah man i didnt catch that haha sorry i really really needed the laugh

i like the short and sweet....and ez to remeber

i do agree with adam on the whole site, as for the age thing why does it need to be 18? im over that age so it doesnt matter to me but it we have more 16 yr olds here then 18 why not make the starting age at 16

and for the armor stuff it would be nice to have the same looking armor but thats going to be hard (money wise) im trying to make the marine armor farely cheap in price (trying too)

i also like the idea of a structured numbering system for spartans, i dont know how the 501st does it

plus i think we need donations for the site
yes, but like the 501st, we should be in it for charity to, that would give us more plubicity and somewhat of a goal, (and a warm feeling inside) if you know what i mean ;-)
The 501st started with a tk-id

Like this:

TK-4417....and others

When you apply to the 501st, they ask you what TK-ID numbers you would like.

They ask for four from you and then they pick one out of the four. and that is your ID, they take time to check it against their database so that they can check whether the number is open.

I suggest the admins have a Spartan number.
Then the members have a normal Spartan Number.

For an admin for instance :


A- for admin
For a member:


M- for member

Then, once they member got their armor, you could change it like so

Spartan-MR217 -
MR for marine


MC for Master Chief...

For an elite costume

Now this is just an idea....its really up to you guys.
lets do 16 age limit with younger as recruits into the spartan program.

We'll have to come up with the numbers though

Spartan Group Sol - Earth Defense Force
Spartan S-401 - Spartan S-402 etc What do we think?

Only Spartans are Spartans, only ODSTs are odsts... So Spartan OD something wouldn't make much sense.
For the donations, and I dont know how everyone feels about it, but what about the google ads.....i know, the bain of forums :p But maybe when we're first starting out. Just a thought.

So I emailed GoDaddy and Im seeing if I can change the domain because it was a typo. If I cant Ill go ahead and use it for my own purposes and buy the as the new site domain.

I dont mind the age limit being 16. Im 20 so that doesn't really have any effect on me, but I know what you guys are talking about.

Anyone who seriously wants to help out as a mod for a forums(Im assuming theres going to be one on the new site) or artwork for the page, someone who wants to do news and events updates, someone to plan the Charity events, feel free to PM me.

And I have no idea how to do the spartan Number thing.
i hear in it for making the kids happy, theres a give the kids the world camp near my parnets house i think for the people in my area should go for the charity
drgon47 said:
For the donations, and I dont know how everyone feels about it, but what about the google ads.....i know, the bain of forums :p But maybe when we're first starting out. Just a thought.

So I emailed GoDaddy and Im seeing if I can change the domain because it was a typo. If I cant Ill go ahead and use it for my own purposes and buy the as the new site domain.

I dont mind the age limit being 16. Im 20 so that doesn't really have any effect on me, but I know what you guys are talking about.

Anyone who seriously wants to help out as a mod for a forums(Im assuming theres going to be one on the new site) or artwork for the page, someone who wants to do news and events updates, someone to plan the Charity events, feel free to PM me.

OK, I'd like to be a mod and help out that way. I'd also like to be in charge of the artwork and also help plan events.
And I have no idea how to do the spartan Number thing.
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I personally think admins should be 001 -099 and everyone else is 401+

All admins should at least have spartan armor plus others
All admins should be over 18 - hopefully suppliers of some sort (why? because they have longer attention spans than younger people who tend to lose interest and move on with their lives)

Google Ads will NOT pay for the startup costs. I'm not about to cover all the costs myself either with my google ads. Why? Because I spent a lot of time getting this site to where it is.
Adam said:
I personally think admins should be 001 -099 and everyone else is 401+

All admins should at least have spartan armor plus others
All admins should be over 18 - hopefully suppliers of some sort (why? because they have longer attention spans than younger people who tend to lose interest and move on with their lives)

Well I'll certainly have armor soon ;-)

But, I would like to help out and be an admin if you don't mind me being one.
I'll be working on the SPI armor so.....I guess I'd be a supplier of that?
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Well, I have the hosting covered no problem. All the help you guys are wanting to do, such as artwork and things, are all being donated yes ?
what type of hosting service do you have? through godaddy? we need specific hosting needs that have specific features to run the site. I just want to make sure we have the right ones.
yeah i could also try to help plan the events, while being in charge of assigning officers and ranks and rules too. And for the Spartan number ??? but the spartans have different numbers than mariens, and the sparan classes will have different numbers also, any suggestions???
well i have armor and soon marine armor along with weapons with aside of temp tattos and vinly stickers
My buddy owns his own Wireless internet provider startup. Doing quite well. So Im going to be hosting through him. Could you PM me the requirements you were thinking of so I can check with him ?
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