For the donations, and I dont know how everyone feels about it, but what about the google ads.....i know, the bain of forums

But maybe when we're first starting out. Just a thought.
So I emailed GoDaddy and Im seeing if I can change the domain because it was a typo. If I cant Ill go ahead and use it for my own purposes and buy the as the new site domain.
I dont mind the age limit being 16. Im 20 so that doesn't really have any effect on me, but I know what you guys are talking about.
Anyone who seriously wants to help out as a mod for a forums(Im assuming theres going to be one on the new site) or artwork for the page, someone who wants to do news and events updates, someone to plan the Charity events, feel free to PM me.
OK, I'd like to be a mod and help out that way. I'd also like to be in charge of the artwork and also help plan events.
And I have no idea how to do the spartan Number thing.